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CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5


[sblock=Orc Language]Now Karl![/sblock]
Elyan's spirit lifting song inspires courage in the fighter and he decides to circle the column (To M18).
Once in his preferred location, Blocked from the goblins he swings his axe and tries to chop down the large gobbo.

Greataxe [1d20+8 (+1 song included), 1d12+9 (+1 song included), crit x3, 12 lb, two-handed, slashing]
Power attack +3 from attack to +3 for damage. (Already included in the stats above)
Cleave if possible
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Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 3

Kaeleen peeks out from behind her column again. She quickly and expertly fires into combat aiming at the hobgoblin (HG2) standing in front of Talgren. She again fires two arrows trying to take down the enemies as quickly as possible. If on the off chance that the first arrow takes down that one she will shoot at the other one before Talgren (HG1) with the second.


Cursing the human for a fool, Karl quickly steps out from behind his column to stand beside Talgren. His sword lashes out at the nearest hobgoblin.

[sblock=ooc]5-ft step west, attack HG2

Attack +8 1d6+5 19-20

Song included.[/sblock]

Kaeleen peeks out from behind her column again. Quickly and expertly firing two arrows at HG2, Kaeleen watches as her first arrow misses and lands unscathed beyond the pack of hobgoblins standing at the doors. Kaeleen's second arrow has better luck; the projectile lances into HG2's shoulder where the creature's leathers end, dealing 7 points of damage to HG2.

Cursing Talgren for a fool, Karl quickly steps out from behind his column to stand beside the youth. Karl's short sword dances a cutting arc, distracting the dull-witted hobgoblin. The creature watches with fascination as Karl whips the shiny blade. Realizing too late its predicament, the hobgoblin groans in shock and pain as Karl slices its left arm free of its torso. Having severed both limb and artery, Karl deals 17 points of damage to HG2. The hobgoblin drops its longsword and, clutching at the stump that was its shoulder, topples to the floor.

Confirmed crit by Karl on HG2. Well done.

Hatred in its eyes, the seven-foot brute in scale male steps forward to replace its fallen companion in the doorway. Brandishing a finely wrought but deadly looking bastard sword fully the length of the boy Talgren, the hobgoblin brute swings its blade at Karl. The blow is fierce and catches Karl on the arm for 11 points of damage. Encouraged by the success of its leader, HG1 swings at Talgren. Unarmored as he is, the lad makes an easy target. The hobgoblin's longsword slices through Talgren's mid-section, felling the youth in place as it deals 8 points of damage.

The space where Talgren is unconscious and prone may be occupied by someone else, should any of you desire.

"Now Karl!" Lifted by Elyan's courage-inspiring song, Grotzkoshter circles the stone column until the bulwark stands at his back. In his preferred location and partially blocked from a barrage of goblin arrows, Grotz swings his axe and tries to chop down HG1. Grotz's greataxe sings through the air and lands with a crunch atop HG1's studded leather armor. After mauling the armor, the head of Grotz's axe travels through bone and sinew, dealing 13 points of damage to the beast. Badly injured but still standing, HG1 fixes Grotzkoshter with piggy eyes and growls.

Elyan and Rogue move up behind the pillar opposite Kaeleen. All the while the bard continues to sing.

The trio of goblins inside the room fit arrows to their shortbows. G2 fires at Kaeleen but misses, Kaeleen's position behind the stone pillar giving her substantive cover from the creature's arrow. G1 frowns and shuffles forward, barking something in its native tongue to G3, who soon thereafter follows suit and moves forward. Taking a bead on Karl, G3 fires and hits. A black-fletched arrow hits Karl for 4 points of damage. G1 fires at Grotzkoshter but misses, its arrow instead slamming high above into the stone column at Grotz's back and breaking in twain.

Standing behind a column and using the Hide skill will provide nearly total cover. Standing behind a column and taking an action other than Hiding will grant anywhere from +2 to +4 to AC, depending on what you attempt to do.

Kaeleen 21
Karl 12
Hobgoblins 8
Grotz 8
Elyan 6
Goblins 4


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Guest 11456

Kaeleen : Female Elf Cleric of Corellon Larethian 3

Kaeleen peeks out from behind her column once more, continuing to use the column for cover. She again fires into combat aiming at the hobgoblin leader (HGL). Firing two arrows trying to take out the hobgoblins as quickly as possible. If on the off chance that the first arrow takes down that one she will shoot at the other hobgoblin (HG1) with the second.


Karl 3/18

Badly wounded and clearly outmatched, Karl staggers under the assault of the goblins and their leader. He spits blood from his mouth and grits his teeth as he plans his withdrawal. Still, not one to simply flee, his sword lashes out towards the leader even as he attempts to dart backwards around the pillars.

[sblock=ooc]SA: Attack HGL +8 1d6+5 19-20
MA: Tumble +8, move to K21[/sblock]


First Post
Elyan moves forward, Rogue guiding him. When he reaches Karl, his song modulates into a crooning, healing chant as he seeks by his music to knit together flesh and bone.

[sblock=OOC]Move to K22 (if Karl makes his tumble) or K19 (if he doesn't). If in range of the hob, he'll instruct Rogue to guard, which I presume means a readied attack against the hobgoblin in case it attacks. Cast CLW. The bardic song continues for another 5 rounds.[/sblock]


Grotz move to stand side by side with the human. (5ft. to L18)
He then swings again, hoping to chop down the hobgoblin.

Greataxe [1d20+11 (+1 song included), 1d12+6 (+1 song included), crit x3, 12 lb, two-handed, slashing]
Cleave if possible

Kaeleen peeks out from behind her column once more, continuing to use the column for cover. Though the first arrow comes close to striking the hobgoblin leader, the second arrow is a bad miss and shatters into useless pieces. The first arrow lies intact in the chamber with the goblins.

Badly wounded and clearly outmatched, Karl staggers under the assault of the goblins and their leader. Spitting blood from his mouth and gritting his teeth, Karl lashes out at the hobgoblin leader even as he attempts to dart backward around the pillars. Karl's blade strikes true, slashing the large hobgoblin brute for 9 points of damage. The hobgoblin leader's mouth froths red as blood and spittum combine. The brute topples on top of its dead compatriot.

The lone remaining hobgoblin follows through with a swing at Grotzkoshter but the felling of its leader distracts the beast and it misses. Looking down at its two fallen companions, the last hobgoblin grunts in surprise then warily steps backward away from Grotz.

No slouch to the finer points of battle strategy, Grotz takes advantage of the last hobgoblin's distraction and swings his greataxe at the creature. Grotz hits true; the hobgoblin takes 12 points of damage and instantly dies. Moving to stand beside the fallen Talgren, Grotz peers menacingly into the room containing the goblin archers.

Elyan moves forward, Rogue guiding him. When he reaches Karl, his song modulates into a crooning, healing chant as he seeks by his music to knit together flesh and bone. Elyan heals Karl for 5 points. Despite the bard ceasing his former inspirational recitation, his allies continued to feel bolstered by Elyan's music, which lingers in a nearly tangible manner upon the air.

When the goblin archers realize their hobgoblin overlords have fallen prey to the half-orc, human, and elf, two of them instantly throw down their shortbows and madly scrabble for the door in the wall behind the table. The third goblin, however, reacts bitterly at the retreat of his comrades and wastes no time shooting G2 in the back. A black-fletched arrow streaks through the air and impales G2 for 4 points of damage. G2 falls prone and moves no more, but G1 continues to flee. The first goblin gets the wooden door open far enough for dim violet light to spill out of the vestibule beyond.

Kaeleen 21
Karl 12
Hobgoblins 8
Grotz 8
Elyan 6
Goblins 4


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