(OOC) Emerald City Knights

The motion sight thing still weirds me out a little bit. So he would be able to read a stop sign behind him? Not sure I understand why it is linked to sight? Not so concerned with the balance on it.

Can you give me an example how he would see motion all around him?

Taking a cue from Ultimate Power what about

Spatial Awareness (4 points): You are mentally aware of
your surroundings, even when you cannot see them. Accurate,
Radius, Ranged Mental Sense.

Sure someone with Concealment vs Mental Sense could hide from you. But I am okay with that. ;)

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Revising the Spellslinger here

  • expanded background
  • made her slightly older to account for expanded background
  • reduced sleight of hand, Expertise: Magic
  • increased acrobatics, deception, persuasion
  • added Enhanced Trait (Expertise: Magic) power, limited to creating and analyzing magic devices
  • changed Ranged Combat: arcane sharpshooter skill to Ranged Combat: pistols (which doesn't seem too broad to me, given that ranged combat: guns is an example in the book)
[sblock=background]Susan Roland was the daughter of a couple of performers in Las Vegas who never let on to anyone save their daughter that the secret to their show's success was subtle application of real magic. Subtle was important -- if you talked fast, you could convince a skilled stage magician that the trick was actually possible. And Susan was good at it -- she'd been helping her parents set up their acts since she was a child, and was naturally giften in binding spells to objects the way the senior Rolands did. She was also very bright; enough to earn a scholarship to an elite college back east, and even though she wanted nothing more than to follow in her parents' footsteps, they had encouraged her to take it.

But when Susan -- by then a college freshman -- got a call from the police telling her that her parents had been murdered, she flew home right away. The next few weeks made it clear the police were not getting anywhere solving the crime, and she decided to take matters into her own hands. She'd seen the telltales that meant a normal person had not been responsible. There were sigils that neither she nor her parents would ever draw, and some things that would have been of no value to anyone save a true spellcaster were missing. Her college was very understanding about granting her a leave of absense while she dealt with her parents' deaths, if less about giving her credit for classes she'd been unable to make the finals for.

It was easy enough to buy a gun in Nevada. The rites to enchant it to be more accurate than it should be came naturally. Without practice, the range instructor said she was good; she got better quickly. A thought to some defense led to enchanting a jacket, and another to carrying her guns and ammo where the government might frown upon the idea led her to build a little bit of an extradimensional space into the pockets. Books on investigation techniques and talking to cops combined with her knowledge of the arcane put her on the trail -- at least better than the police had been.

Perhaps fortunately, she ran into another hero before she found her parents' murderers who'd also been on the trail. [Hero X, a costumed adventurer type; maybe one of the other PCs or the setting's Batman] recognized her talent, and helped her learn to focus less on vengeance and more on justice. Without his help, she would likely never have found thier killer -- and if she had, the sorceress would not have been brought back to justice alive. They'd needed to bring in a third to do that; [Hero X]'s skills weren't up to facing the sorceress' magic directly, and neither were Susan's enchanted items. [Hero Y, a mystic type] had helped them close the circle. Both served as mentors to her in years to come.

In the 'real' world, she'd gone back to school, and finished her degree. She'd spent a semester in Europe, and the summer after it, tracking down arcane lore and talking to any real spellcasters that were willing to talk to her. She'd gone to graduate school in Freedom City, mostly to be closer to [Hero X] and refine her investigative technieques (and to deal with an annoyingly one-sided crush). But nearly a decade after she'd begun down a hero's path, she decided she really did want to get back to the life she'd intended on before her parents died, at least a little. She took an adjuct proffesor's job in Emerald City, far enough from home to avoid bad memories, and started her act there as well. In a sense she was three people - the professor Dr. Susan Roland, PhD (History), the stage magician Susan the Magnificent, and her super hero alter ego of The Spellslinger.
[sblock=character sheet]
The Spellslinger
The woman in black fled across the desert, and the Spellslinger followed
Name: The Spellslinger
Player: drothgery
Alternate Identity: Susan Roland
Type of Alternate Identity: Secret
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: red
Group Affiliation:
Base of Operations: Emerald City

Strength 0, Stamina 2, Agility 5, Dexterity 5, Fighting 2, Intellect 4, Awareness 4, Presence 2

Arcane sharpshooter [whether it's the custom-made guns or the alchemical bullets she fires, the Spellslinger can find the right attack to take down just about anything]:
Magic bullets: Blast 5 [magic; multiattack; accurate 3, penetrating 5, variable descriptor 2, extended range 2, easily removeable -10]
(17 points)
Arcane jacket [both protective and providing a space to store guns and ammo that the TSA doesn't know about, her jacket is one of the Spellslinger's better creations]:
Protective wards: Protection 3 [magic; removeable], Magic pockets: Feature 1 [as per M&M2e dimensional pocket]
(3 points)
Artificer's Training [since she was a child, the Spellslinger has always been a natural at binding spells to things]:
Master Artificer: Enhanced Trait 3 [Enchance Expertise: Magic by +6; Limited: Only related to constructing and/or analyzing magical devices (-1), Permanent]
(2 points)


Power Attack, Defensive Roll 5, Precise Attack 2 [ranged, both], Quick Draw, Uncanny Dodge, Artificer, Languages 3 [Russian, French, German, Latin], Move-by Action

Acrobatics 8 (+13), Athletics (+0), Deception 8 (+10), Expertise: History 10 (+14), Expertise: Magic 10 (+14), Insight 10 (+14), Intimidation (+2), Investigation 10 (+14), Perception 10 (+14), Persuasion 8 (+10), Ranged Combat: pistols 4 (+9), Sleight of Hand 6 (+11), Stealth 10 (+15)

Initiative +5
Arcane Sharpshooter +15, Damage 5

Dodge 10, Parry 6
Toughness 10 (Def Roll 5), Fortitude 6, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 48 + Powers 22 + Advantages 15 + Skills 47 + Defenses 18 = Total 150

Sometimes she does not have the right bullets on hand for her opponent, and will need to make more (in game mechanics terms, she can't use the correct descriptor to overcome defenses, or gain penetrating)
Susan Roland has a real life and real jobs as a part-time proffesor and a stage magician; she has told no one of her super-hero identity
Although with the help of [Hero X] and [Hero Y] she was able to capture her parents' killer and get her imprisoned, Susan never found the things the sorceress stole, and while the sorceress has been in prison for some time, super-villians often are difficult to keep behind bars

Design notes
Her only attack power is her enchanted guns; she uses the variable descriptor property to attack weaknesses. She's also quite capable of creating one-shot magical devices via the Artificer Advantage and her Expertise: Magic skills, either given time to prepare or by jury-rigging.

Possible scratch-built devices include
- Cloak of Flying (Flight 5) (10 points, so DC 25 to jury-rig)
- Improvised enchanted weapon [baseball bat, kitchen knife, etc] Damage 5 Accurate 5 (10 points, so DC 25 to jury-rig) -> +12 to hit, 5 dmg

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Final version is on page 9, 3rd post on page.
Like I was telling Voda Vosa, you can change the number of posts you see per page on ENWorld, within certain limits (or at least subscribers can). For example, I don't see 9 pages in this thread yet. If you want to give a reference to a specific post, get the hyperlink from the post number.

Like I was telling Voda Vosa, you can change the number of posts you see per page on ENWorld, within certain limits (or at least subscribers can). For example, I don't see 9 pages in this thread yet. If you want to give a reference to a specific post, get the hyperlink from the post number.

I know you are trying to help. But you know what forget it, I withdraw. I can't even post here without jumping through hoops. This literally took like 15 minutes, because I had to completely reload ENWorld. Now you want me to do something that sounds like advanced quantum mechanics? I only understood, like half of what you said. It just is not worth the frustration. If this is what HM was going through, I know why he quit! Have fun all of you.

I know you are trying to help. But you know what forget it, I withdraw. I can't even post here without jumping through hoops. This literally took like 15 minutes, because I had to completely reload ENWorld. Now you want me to do something that sounds like advanced quantum mechanics? I only understood, like half of what you said. It just is not worth the frustration. If this is what HM was going through, I know why he quit! Have fun all of you.

Huh...well then <stops reviewing Blackwing and deletes sheet out of Herolab>

I do not know who HM is. Sorry you and he are having issues. Good luck.

I am confused to which version of Blackwing is being submitted. So I will wait until I am sure which one I should go over.

Current sheet is here.

BTW, I would be interested to hear your opinion about it, nonetheless... just out of curiosity. :)

And, of course, what you say about the changes I made to Fusion's sheet (some explanations found here).

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I can't even post here without jumping through hoops. This literally took like 15 minutes, because I had to completely reload ENWorld.

That certainly doesn't sound like fun. :(

Have you tried using a different web browser (i.e. Firefox instead of Internet Explorer)?


P.S. @H4H: HM would be HolyMan.

Like I was telling Voda Vosa, you can change the number of posts you see per page on ENWorld, within certain limits (or at least subscribers can). For example, I don't see 9 pages in this thread yet. If you want to give a reference to a specific post, get the hyperlink from the post number.

This is really quite an issue with those permalinks... I posted a thread to Meta, giving an alternative (that works even better than the link to the post number, but cannot simply be copy-pasted from the post... yet)... maybe Morrus will do something about it. :)


Taking a cue from Ultimate Power what about

Spatial Awareness (4 points): You are mentally aware of
your surroundings, even when you cannot see them. Accurate,
Radius, Ranged Mental Sense.

Sure someone with Concealment vs Mental Sense could hide from you. But I am okay with that. ;)

I'm not sure why this power is so bothersome, but I can change it per your suggestion. As long as Momentum can target moving objects through concealment, that's my goal.

Can't you just take that Advantage... Precise Attack, I think... for that purpose?

I can easily imagine sensing movement, though... just think about those motion trackers from Aliens. Something like that, just as a sense and probably a bit more developed. :)


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