(OOC) Emerald City Knights


I am still considering submitting a different character. One of the reasons for this is that I am playing a "scientist" sort of character in another M&M game on these boards. Another reason is that I'm getting a sense that I might have a better chance of getting into the game as a different role. Finally, I really really like the character concept.

I will make a decision today on whether or not to change the character I am submitting.

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I'm not sure why this power is so bothersome, but I can change it per your suggestion. As long as Momentum can target moving objects through concealment, that's my goal.

It is bothersome because I do not know why it is linked to sight. So if you can explain it to me I could GM it properly? If he was dazzled it would effect it why?


I wish to apologize for my blow up. As I said and already discussed with Thanee, I was already frustrated with the situation and then droggery asked to do something I still don't know how to do. I wrote up a post explaining that, and when I went to post, got an error message. This just built on the previous frustration, so when I could I wrote that post. I did have to completely reload. I don't know what is going on, but it's not IE. I use Google Chrome and Opera. I have a feeling the servers are overloaded, because this just recently started happening.


First Post
I wish to apologize for my blow up. As I said and already discussed with Thanee, I was already frustrated with the situation and then droggery asked to do something I still don't know how to do. I wrote up a post explaining that, and when I went to post, got an error message. This just built on the previous frustration, so when I could I wrote that post. I did have to completely reload. I don't know what is going on, but it's not IE. I use Google Chrome and Opera. I have a feeling the servers are overloaded, because this just recently started happening.
In the top, right-hand corner of every post there are two links. One is a number, and one is labeled permalink. You want the link from the number, so right click on it and select 'copy link address' in Chrome, 'copy link location' in Firefox, or 'copy shortcut' in IE.

All I was saying was that the link you get from the 'permalink' link doesn't work for some people, and neither does saying 'go to post X on page Y', because you can change the number of posts per page.


Hopefully people are not getting frustrated. I did put in a disclaimer that I would be very hands on during character creation in the first post.

I very rarely disallow things but definitely need to know the "whys" and "hows" so the concept, descriptors & history match the sheet.


First Post
Name: Daniel Blake
Super Name: VISAGE
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points:

Str 0 Agi 0 Dex 3 Fgt 1 Awe 4 Sta 1 Int 3 Pre 2

Toughness +13
Dodge +7
Parry +7
Fort +8
Will +9

Initiative +4
Melee Attack
Range Attack +10, DC25

SKILLS 30 SP (15 PP)
Deception +5 (3)
Expertise (Comic Book Art) +10 (7)
Insight +9 (5)
Perception +9 (5)
Ranged Combat (Ectoplasm) +7 (7)
Technology +5 (2)

Speed 30
Flight 30mph

Improved Disarm
Improved Hold
Improved Initiative
Improved Trip
Equipment 1
Uncanny Dodge

Ectoplasm Control, 36pp
- Move Object (Damaging, PF Precise, PF Affects Insubstantial 2) +10, 33pp
- AP Create Object (Moveable, PF Affects Insubstantial 2) +10
- AP Damage (Shapeable Area, Selective Attack, PF Affects Insubstantial 2) +10
- AP Illusion (Visual, Hearing) +10

Concealment +2 (Normal Visual, Burst Area, Attack) 6pp
- AP Concealment +4 (All Visual, Blending, PF Precise) 1pp
Protection (Sustained) +12, 12pp
Enhanced Trait (Dodge Defense) +7, 7pp
Morph (Humanoids) +2, 10pp
Flight (Platform) +4, 4pp
Movement (Safe Fall, Swinging) +2, 4pp
Remote Sensing (Tactile, Simultaneous, Noticible) +1, 1pp
Super Senses (Ranged Touch) +1, 1pp

Laptop computer
Video camera (digital)

Abilities [28]
Saves [18]
Skills [15]
Feats [7]
Powers [82]
Total [150]

Fanboy - Daniel's still a comics geek at heart, and has starstruck reactions to famous superheroes and villains.
Family - Daniel left his family behind, but they could be found with some effort and knowledge of his identity.
Secret Identity - Daniel protects his identity using his Morph power and the code name Visage.
Ghostly - Any sense capable of seeing ghosts or spirits will be able to see the thin ectoplasm lines that link Daniel to his created objects and illusions, potentially giving away their source.

Description & Background
Daniel's a typical-looking college age art student; tall and kinda thin and a bit scruffy looking, with brown hair that could use a trim and a five o' clock shadow unless he's just shaved. Since he was young, he's had the ability to generate a kind of cloud around himself...a thin white mist that moves with him. It responds to his will, thickening and becoming nearly solid or thinning to become harder to see. He can shape it as well, sculpting it into insubstantial (but otherwise real looking) images, which is one reason he came to think of the stuff as 'ectoplasm,' when, as a child, he used it to make simple 'ghost' shapes and scare other kids. For a long time, he believed that was all it COULD do, and his little games of forming images led to an interest in visual arts, drawing in particular.

As he matured, Daniel stopped playing games with his powers and in fact stopped using them for the most part. Through most of high school he didn't use them at all, focusing on his interests in arts, girls and comics instead. The power to make goofy pictures didn't seem like it compared to the mighty titans of the superhero comic pages, and he just...lost interest in it.

It was at a barbecue yard party his dad was throwing in honor of his graduation and acceptance at ECSU (Emerald City State University) visual art and design program that Daniel had another encounter with his abilities. A couple of kids were getting competitive about how high they could climb in the old tree in back of the house. No one noticed them until one had gotten way higher than he should have. When branches started cracking, he realized he was in trouble and yelled for help. Very quickly the guests gathered below, and a fire truck was called. Not quickly enough, unfortunately. A gust of wind made the kid lose his balance, and his shifting weight finally broke one of the branches he was standing on. The boy fell out of the tree, a good thirty feet or more up.

Only to be snatched out of the air by a long ribbon of glowing white light...that was coming from Daniel. He hadn't meant to, but in his horror he'd reached out and grabbed him just like he might have reached out with his arm to catch a falling ball. And just as easily. Gingerly Daniel set him down just as the fire truck arrived.

The video of the event, albeit not with his name attached, went viral. The local news buzzed for a few days. Friends and neighbors...the only ones at the party...would bring it up again whenever they visited for ages. But since Daniel was off to school only the next day, ultimately the event faded from most people's minds. After all, it wasn't as if people there had never heard of parahumans. They'd just never expected to see one in their sleepy little town.

Daniel didn't forget though, even if the long trip to Emerald City took him outside the circle where anyone would recognize him. College helped, giving him other things to concentrate on, but in the end he started practicing with his powers again, and was astonished at what he could do that he'd never known about before. Not just immaterial images, but solid things. And the 'ectoplasm' was strong. He'd never guessed how physically powerful it could be. He learned to gather it around himself...pack it tightly so that it would protect him from harm...and he could shape it too, making himself look different, or even blend into the background. He could even "fly" by using it to create a disk or block or something he could stand on, then moving it around with him on top. It seemed to him more and more that he had the ingredients not just to write and draw superheroes...but to become one...and how could he ever resist THAT?
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