(OOC) Emerald City Knights

I haven't been able to check out the submitted templates to deeply. I know Arrays within a variable are probably right out. Not sure if that is an official rule of my personal preference.

Sure, that is easily changed.

Since Variable is sustained by default there is no need to make powers within "More sustained".

I think it is necessary, because permanent is not allowed within Variable. Though it is technically the same; it's just a formality. :)


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The allocation of your Variable points is sustained, so if
you stop maintaining your Variable effect for any reason,
your allocated points “reset” to a “null” state: you lose any
temporary traits and must take the action necessary to reallocate
your Variable points again on your turn to regain
them. Points in a Continuous Variable effect remain where
you set them without maintenance, unless the Variable effect
itself is countered or nullified. Variable effects cannot
be permanent in duration by definition.
My interpretation of this is that since it is a sustained (or continuous if you bought it) power, that all the effects within are sustained (or continuous) by default. This is supported by "official" 3e builds with Variable. Added paperwork really isn't needed, especially for ease of reference.

Yeah, I was mostly looking at that last sentence in that quote (and also the fact, that you cannot have a permanent effect in an array, which is a similar situation)... but when I think about it, they might be talking about the Variable effect itself (actually, that makes a lot of sense to read it that way :)).

Ok, will remove the sustained references then. :)


Of course when I think about it Instant effects aren't really sustained, but "having" them is sutained...Meh. Whatever, mostly my point was you can just shorthand the Templates.
Protection 10, Senses 10 all work fine for me. But if you want to write everything out I can live with it.

[MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION]; definitely submit which character you want out of the three. But I would rather you keep it to one. Clay doesn't quite match up with his picture? I think you may have changed something up there?

I only changed the picture and name, yet. The stats are for a battlesuit character I considered before. Currently working on Clay in a text editor.

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