Here's my build for Green Dragon. Pretty straight forward "hit you hard" type of character.
Devoted to the martial art of the Dragon, in the Ancient China Mountain of the Seven Lotus, Shin Fen Fo was raised and trained in and around the tradition and values of The Dragon. The monks of the Shrine of the Seven Lotus lived isolated from the outer world, and wanted to train Shin as an herald from the temple to the rest of the world. Through Shin, the monks wanted to give the world a lesson, that the ancient and sacred ways were still useful, despite the world's technological developments.
Once Shin training was done, the monks send him to wander the world and show it, performing heroic acts and helping turn the tides in favor of good.
Devoted paladin of Good and tradition, Shin will stop at nothing to accomplish his destiny.
When he was wondering the world, he eventually ended up in Emerald City. Seeking to aid his fellow countryman and spread the influence of the Seven Lotus among the peoples of this place, Shin got a hero name for himself, as a crime fighter, he would be named Green Dragon, and fight for those who couldn't defend themselves. However the old values and traditions, added to the cultural differences, made Shin a difficult person to get along, especially when he thought that the destiny was pointing him in a certain direction. That is why interaction with other heroes of the city was tough, when meeting the Green Dragon.
Enemy: Zim Tian, the second chosen one by the monks. They saw evil and greed in his heart, and chose Shin instead. Zim escaped the monastery and purses Shin. He'll try to kill him and take his place. Once he has accomplish that, he'll begin to break havoc in the name of the monks, as a vengeance against them. Zim's powers are similar to Sin's.
Shin will never hurt someone uncappable of defending him/herself
Shin will try to protect innocents
Shin will not attack an enemy already battling an ally, unless said enemy is about to kill the ally.
Shin will not let anyone interfere in his battles.
Abilities ( 72 pp)
Strength 4, Stamina 6, Agility 6, Dexterity 5, Fighting 10, Intellect 2, Awareness 2, Precence 1 .
Powers ( 49 pp)
- >Dragon's claws (Slashing) ( Damage 6 : Multiattack Penetrating 10 Split 3 (4 targets) Affects insubstantial 2 )
· 27 point/s
- >Dragon's spit (Acid) ( Damage 6 : Range 250 Multiattack Split 4 (5 targets) )
· 1 point/s
- >Dragon's Breath (Acid) ( Damage 6 : "Line Area (5 ft wide, 30 ft long), Range 250 Ricochet 4" )
· 1 point/s 31
- >Dragon's touch (Bludgeon) ( Damage 6 : "Affects insubstantial 2, Innate, Split 3 (4 targets),Penetrating 10" )
· 1 point/s
- ">Dragon's Tail (Piercing, Slashing)" ( Damage 6 : "Reach 1, Thrown 3, Penetrating 10, Secondary effect" )
· 1 point/s
- Dragon Tunic (Device) ( Device : "Immunity 12 (Aging, Critical hits, Disease, Fatigue, Poison, Suffocation), Protection 5 (Impervious)" )
· 18 point/s
Advantages ( 12 pp)
Accurate Attack 1, All out attack 1, Assessment 1, Defensive Attack 1, Diehard 1, Evasion 1, Fearless 1, Improved initiative 1, Instant up 1, Power attack 1, Quick draw 1, Sieze initiative 1.
Skills ( 8 pp)
Acrobatics 2 (+ 8 ), Deception 0 (+ 1 ), Athletics 0 (+ 4 ), Expertise 0 (+ 2 ), Insight 4 (+ 6 ), Treatment 0 (+ 2 ), Persuacion 0 (+ 1 ), Technology 0 (+ 2 ), Close Combat1 0 (+ 10 ), Close Combat3 0 (+ 10 ), Vehicles 0 (+ 6 ), Sleight of Hand 0 (+ 6 ), Ranged Combat1 4 (+ 10 ), Ranged Combat2 0 (+ 6 ), Ranged Combat3 0 (+ 6 ), Perception 4 (+ 6 ), Intimidation 0 (+ 1 ), Investigation 0 (+ 2 ), Stealth 2 (+ 8 ),
Initiative: 10
Dragon's Claws + 10 Attack for DC: 25 Range: Melee ( )
Dragon's Spit + 10 Attack for DC: 25 Range: Range 250 ( )
Dragon's Breath + Line Attack for DC: 25 Range: Area 5x30 ( )
Dragon's Tail + 10 Attack for DC: 25 Range: Reach 5 melee ( )
Dragon's Touch + 10 Attack for DC: 25 Range: Melee ( )
Throw + 6 Attack for DC: 25 Range: thrown 20 ft ( )