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TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 157: The Boar's Head

One evening while enjoying a meal, some music, and revelry at the Boar's Head Tavern, Lyndha come over to where the Seekers are seated to acquire their attention.
"There is a large group of people coming this way from the South. At the rate they are traveling, they should arrive about midday tomorrow. I am not getting a feeling of danger, so I do not think that it is soldiers. It is likely a caravan, but we are not expecting one. I wanted to let you know, just in case I am wrong."

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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit strokes his beard as he considers Lyndha's words. "Another caravan from the direction of Asylim? Seems interesting to me. Would any of you object to riding out to meet these people before they reach the town? If it is a threat I would rather know before they get here."

Sylvar B.

Saemund nods in agreement with Sannit. I would like to neutralize any threat before it can get into town. Or at least slow it down so the people have time to prepare.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor says, “I agree, let’s be proactive. We should intercept them as soon as possible.”

Merin nods, “Besides, we don’t even know that it -IS- a caravan yet, so I’d rather err on the side of caution, and find out as much as we can, as quickly as we can.”
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 158: Investigating South

The Seekers gird an arm themselves early the next day to depart and head South. It is decided to leave the pack animals in town so that the group can attempt more stealth if that becomes necessary.

Indigo says to the donkey and each burro,
"Stay in town."

Being in the doldrums of the hottest time of year, the morning of the departure day is clear and completely calm. The regular animals around town seem lazy and content to just lie about. The hunting parties are up and about, though game is more difficult to acquire in the season, it is the prime time to collect the silk from the piney woods, yellow, orb weavers.

The Seekers travel for several hours before seeing the dust rise through the trees far ahead. The sounds of wagons can be heard as well. The distance is significant enough that an incoming group of that size cannot have, yet, noticed the approach of the Seekers.

Sheldon says,
"It is too far for me to detect anything, even if we link. How do we want to approach this?"

Sylvar B.

Saemund asks Feroz to scout ahead and warn them if the approaching group appears hostile.

Saemund to the group, I suggest that we approach as a group and only two of us continue to engage the head wagon. They are not attempting to hide that they are approaching, so I doubt highly that they are hostile.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
San-Bolo do not protest Saemund and Tor meeting the wagons and look for an appropriate place to hide to lend support if they need it.


Vadin nods to Saemond and Tor as they approach the wagon. Vadin also finds a place to hide, with his hand readied on his sword to easily draw it should the need arise.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sylvar B. said:
Saemund asks Feroz to scout ahead and warn them if the approaching group appears hostile.
GM: Feroz climbs high in the sky and glides ahead easily covering the distance in a mere fraction of the time anything else could make it. He dips and banks to get a more clear view through the trees, returning to circle above. He gives no cry of alarm, which indicates that he has not determined the approaching party to be a threat.

Saemund to the group,
"I suggest that we approach as a group and only two of us continue to engage the head wagon. They are not attempting to hide that they are approaching, so I doubt highly that they are hostile."
Tor says to Saemund,
Tellerian Hawke said:
"I will go with you to meet the head wagon, my brother."
GM: The approaching party is at the horizon line when the dust of their travel is noticed. At their estimated rate of travel, the Seekers have 3 hours before they will reach the current location. Traveling forward for an hour to reduce the wait, will still allow all those not approaching to position themselves in hidden locations without the risk of being noticed.

Sheldon agrees to stand with Saemund and Tor when the approaching party arrives. Indigo takes a concealed position on the left flank. She send Myth to scout ahead and trail the approaching group.

GM: The approaching party is, indeed, a caravan. There are two armed soldiers leading it. They are clearly not normal caravan guards. The caravan has five wagons, each pulled by two burros. Each wagon beyond the lead is accompanied by two Ansylin soldiers, not regular guards. When they approximately 15 paces from where Saemund, Tor, and Sheldon are standing in the road, one of the lead guards speaks.

"Stand aside or be cut down. We will pay no toll to some wayward highwaymen. The three of you will not be robbing us today."
GM: The soldier appears to be a veteran of some years capable of backing up his words and not prone to false bravado.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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