Chicago Gameday XII is Nov 12th: Planning Thread

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*Keeps keyboard at the ready to join the crew of the Symphony again*

Come on sign-ups... I know you're out there.

*Lies in wait*

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Okay, it looks like we're only missing descriptions for TraceBullet42's game and, well, mine. TB42, post your event!

Did we come to a consensus on the prize drawing? I'm thinking that we just a) give GMs first pick, 2) roll a die like usual, but everyone gets one prize and we call names a little more quickly. I don't know if it'll be a PITA for Curt to have to store leftover prizes, though.

If it is, we just do one round of prizes, and then it's free-for-all.


First Post
buzz said:
Okay, it looks like we're only missing descriptions for TraceBullet42's game and, well, mine. TB42, post your event!

Sorry for the delay...Reveal offered me twenty bucks to stall the start of the sign-up thread. Naturally, I turned him down and lectured him about integrity and so forth...

Then I just was lazy...

But here it is, after much delay, my game description!

(An Iron Kingdoms event)

Despite a reputation for unconventional and somewhat questionable research, the employees of The Strangelight Workshop are the Iron Kingdom's leading freelance supernatural researchers. The Workshop employs open-minded operatives with keen minds for both occult and scientific observation armed with specialized mechanikal apparatuses designed to aid in their investigations. Headquartered in Ceryl, the Workshop has been so successfu it has opened offices in Caspia, Corvis, Leryn, and Merin. With no shortage of hauntings and habitations in Western Immoren, the employees of The Strangelight Workshop should remain busy for years to come.

In other words, to borrow a line from Ray Parker, Jr.: "When there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?"

This adventure is for 6 players (characters provided) ready to tackle the supernatural in the Iron Kingdoms setting from Privateer Press. No experience required. Rules can be taught as we play.

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