Hiromi strikes out blindly, her rapier sinking sickly into goblin flesh. She has no time to celebrate as she steps back and retreats.
Radaceus lights the tunnel. Hiromi can see the goblin she struck is bleeding and looking at her angrily from around the corner.
Urik rushes forward, his morningstar going wide of the short target.
Corwin moves forward and raises his shield against missile fire.
Jericho gets behind Corwin and lobs a fire bomb at a goblin. It nearly strikes a corner of the wall before it impacts on the goblin to the west, and slightly singes the one to the south.
Now that there is light in here:
The walls of this long chamber are scorched dark, and the thick layers of soot crusting to the ceiling above attest to the tremendous fire that must have raged through this room in the past. Burial niches in the walls and the row of central pillars contain only fragments of burnt wood and charred bone.
The goblins shout for vengeance for their fallen comrade. The one to the south steps in front of Urik and attacks twice, hitting both times, for 10 hp of damage.
The goblin on fire to the west puts the fire out. Drops his sword. Draws his bow. And fires at Corwin, but misses thanks to his shield.
A goblin steps up next to Urik and also attacks with his sword but misses.
Another goblin comes around a column and fires his bow at Corwin and nicks him for 1 hp of damage. (They are firing at Corwin because he is higher up than Urik. There are stairs.)