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TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Trust, part 3

Sannit nods at Sheldon's display and says to the maldrog, motioning to his spear. "I am a warrior. I display no magics, but Way helps me become stronger than I could normally be. What is more important than what we can do is what we fight for. We do not use our skills for any malicious purpose, but for the defense of ourselves and others. We are alike in that respect, I think." He knows that's a mouthful, but he says it anyway.
GM: The Maldrog listen intently as Sannit speaks. They may not be able to understand all of the words, but their meaning seems clear.

Kwargrow said:
Bolo decides she can trust the Maldrog but lets Sannit do the talking. On a whim she uses Way to heat the tip of one of her arrows and shoots it a nearby piece of wood, hopefully causing it to catch fire.
GM: Taking a stone-tipped arrow from the supplies, Bolo fired it into a fallen limb farther away from the campfire than Sheldon had walked. The dead limb burst into flame just as Bolo had intended. As Bolo walks toward the new fire, Sheldon, who is closer, nods to her and extinguishes it.

Kwargrow said:
Turtle gets up to go look for something to eat.
GM: There ever-hungry, young bear, finishes the remains of the evening meal.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Days 137 - 150: Returning to Southroad Fair

GM: The Seekers and Prospectors find travel with one another agreeable. The Maldrog split off with individual Seekers for better exchange of information while traveling. In the 13 days necessary to reach Southroad Fair, they become comfortable with the concept of manipulating way, though none of them have the slightest ability to accomplish it. Strangely enough, they all seem able to sense it, which explains to them how they have been able to "smell" the ore all these years.

A party of this size tends to alter the natural flow of an environment, making larger game scarce. Between Myth and Feroz, enough rabbits and birds are collected to feed the entire group and Turtle, who also happily munches whatever berries and bugs he encounters.

Nine days of travel are spend coming out of the mountains. Four days through the pines. The Prospectors clear some of the trail as they travel making for the beginnings of a regular path for trade. Once out of the mountains the path is almost completely straight.

As Weit becomes more knowledgeable of Ansylin and the Seekers more of Maldrog, more conversation develop around the evening fire and the shared tobacco. Weit explains that he had tried to establish trade with Southroad Fair, before, after his crew had come through the first time. He says that opposition to the proposal came from the Head Foreman's wife. She thinks that Bergbaulager should be more exclusive. Weit sees this as being bad for commerce and bad for reputation. The Seekers arrival at the gate sparked the concept for land trade, again, but it still took Weit three days to convince them of its viability.

OOC: State any desired tasks while traveling.

Sheldon and Indigo hope to collect the carapaces of beetles to sell to Maeli to make lacquer.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit is very interested in how the Maldrog can 'smell' ore. He questions them about it and shares any relevant info he has gathered, including the types of terrain they typically find metal and minerals in. He demonstrates how he senses ore with several searches that he does along the way home. He also offers to have dual combat training with them again, but will not push if they refuse. He does not mind training where they can see.

Bolo will continue to search for herbs and useful plants, sharing any info she has with any curious maldrog. She is also interested in how Maldrog society views animals and nature, asking them about the relationships they have with pets and beasts of burden.

Turtle is friendly with the Maldrog but keeps to his usual activities. He hunts with Bolo and Myth and performs his tricks by the fire at night to help relieve the stress of travel.
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Sylvar B.

"I am glad the Maldrog were much friendlier than the other Mhytre we met at that cave. Although I didn't really relax until we left their settlement, I fully expected there to be some sort of search for revenge or an attack in the night."

Saemund spends his time traveling honing his ability to detect life and what kind of effects he might have on creatures once he knows of their presence. Once he captured a lizard and attempted to surround it with way, like a bubble of way just to see what would happen.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin tries to demonstrate, as the group travels, how Way can be used for mundane tasks, such as providing light at night (not just fire, but orbs of light to read by) and also other tasks, such as mending cloth and leather.

Tor practices with his new longsword and reinforced shield, trying to acclimate himself to their balance, and their heft, which are significantly different from his previous weaponry.
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Vadin has a thought, he asks the group,
"All this talk about Way has me thinking, can one use Way to become quicker in battle? Perhaps becoming a little more difficult to be hit? Also, how can one develop their skills beyond touch?"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Southroad Fair and Bergbaulager


Sylvar B.

OOC: Assuming Saemund was successful in create the "way bubble"
1) Tries to remove the air from the bubble
2) Tries to remove light from the bubble
3) Tries to pour water over the bubble to see if the water would be deflected
4) Tries to move the bubble
6) Tries to make the bubble refract light to make the lizard inside invisible
7) Tries to make the bubble and the lizard levitate
8) Tries to expand the bubble
9) before letting the lizard go he tries to make the bubble impregnable so that the lizard can't leave, like a force field.

Saemund takes careful notes of his findings so that he can continue his experiments later.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Days 137 - 150: Returning to Southroad Fair, part 2

Sannit is very interested in how the Maldrog can 'smell' ore. He questions them about it and shares any relevant info he has gathered, including the types of terrain they typically find metal and minerals in. He demonstrates how he senses ore with several searches that he does along the way home. He also offers to have dual combat training with them again, but will not push if they refuse. He does not mind training where they can see.
GM: Though the vocabulary is different, mostly because it was creating through gossip, the Maldrog ability to smell the ore is exactly the same ability that the Seekers posses for sensing it. Since the path out of the mountains has been traveled by the Maldrog, before, no new ore is to be discovered. Practice with existing ingots, however, provides that Weit has the greatest range and greatest ability to sense ore without the use of a conduit. Several other Prospectors have and equal ability to Sheldon, whose own ability is slightly above that of the other Seekers.

Weit's Prospectors behave and travel in a manner almost identical to that of the Southroad Seekers. They stretch and warm up each morning and happily join Sannit and any of the other in training each evening. All the Maldrog carry heavy weaponry and fight in a manner similar to Saemund. They find it to be informative training to work against the variation of Sannit's spear and Tor's longsword, the speed of Vadin's and Indigo's style of fighting. Even though Saemund's style is similar, the differences in height prove training points as well. The Prospectors, after some hesitation with regard to his safety, engage Sheldon against his empty handed defensive approach to combat.

Weit says that the particular terrain is some indication of what ore exists beneath the ground but that all ore is more plentiful in the mountainous regions, except coal, which seems to be some combination of hills and flooding.

Kwargrow said:
Bolo will continue to search for herbs and useful plants, sharing any info she has with any curious Maldrog. She is also interested in how Maldrog society views animals and nature, asking them about the relationships they have with pets and beasts of burden.
GM: Bolo is pleased to observe that the Prospectors are patient and kind toward their animals. They are friendly with Turtle, repectfule of Myth, and awed by Feroz. They demonstrate no reservation or superstition toward consuming food collected by the animals. They are even compliant in allowing their animals free from their tether as work with Indigo toward their training. Despite this none of them show any ability to alter the behavior of an animal by manipulating Way.

Two of the women, specifically, show great interest in the acquisition of medicinal herbs, but alas are completely unable to sense them in the manner in which they can sense ore.

OOC: Bolo and Indigo are able to collect some useful herbs along the path.

  • Soothe Leaf: 4 measures
  • Leaves of Awareness: 2 measures
  • Mend Leaf: 1 measure
  • Soothe Bark: 1 measure
  • Mend Root: 1 measure

Turtle is friendly with the Maldrog but keeps to his usual activities. He hunts with Bolo and Myth and performs his tricks by the fire at night to help relieve the stress of travel.
GM: The Prospectors all enjoy the company of the bear and admire his entertainment. Sheldon, from some reason, has been practicing walking on his hands, each evening. Turtle proves able to perform the same feat, even more readily than Sheldon.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Days 137 - 150: Returning to Southroad Fair, part 3

GM: Saemund has increased his Adhesion ability to 9, which is necessary to advancing his Theologic skill.

He also increases the Theologic Skill to 5.

"I am glad the Maldrog were much friendlier than the other Mhytre we met at that cave. Although I didn't really relax until we left their settlement, I fully expected there to be some sort of search for revenge or an attack in the night."
GM: After some discussion about the other Mhytre, the Maldrog explain that they are called Medderin. The Maldrog have tried over the years but no working relationship has ever been possible with any encountered. Weit says they all act like bad children.

Sylvar B. said:
Saemund spends his time traveling honing his ability to detect life and what kind of effects he might have on creatures once he knows of their presence. Once he captured a lizard and attempted to surround it with way, like a bubble of way just to see what would happen.

OOC: Assuming Saemund was successful in create the "way bubble"
1) Tries to remove the air from the bubble
2) Tries to remove light from the bubble
3) Tries to pour water over the bubble to see if the water would be deflected
4) Tries to move the bubble
6) Tries to make the bubble refract light to make the lizard inside invisible
7) Tries to make the bubble and the lizard levitate
8) Tries to expand the bubble
9) before letting the lizard go he tries to make the bubble impregnable so that the lizard can't leave, like a force field.

Saemund takes careful notes of his findings so that he can continue his experiments later.
GM: Try as he might Way is not a tangible substance and Saemund cannot create a bubble of it, though by manipulation he does seem to form a sphere shaped pocket. Way seems to be a complicated concept.

He is able to draw the air from a spherical area around his hands while holding the lizard so that it will not run away. Holding the air away in this manner, the lizard becomes lethargic. Saemund realizes that the lizard will suffocate if he continues to hold the air away. He also realizes that it is causing his hands to itch maddly.

A bubble of light is a simple matter to generate. The light can then be moved as desired.

Saemund finds that he can make the area around the lizard reflective to the degree that it somewhat blurs his vision toward the reptile, but lacks the ability to bend the light any further as to make it invisible. Perhaps more training will allow greater results.

When trying to make the lizard levitate, Saemund finds that control is considerable difficult and winds up flinging the lizard into the air. The lizards lands, unharmed, and quickly runs away. Reflexively he manipulates way to stun the fleeing lizard.

Once again manipulating air, Saemund creates a swirling mass around the lizard. It is not exactly what he was hoping to do, but it does have some affect on deflecting things passing into the mass.

GM: Party XP will be awarded for these efforts.

OOC: All characters, except Vadin at this point, can perform Novice Tasks when manipulating Way.
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