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CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5

Accepting a bit of trail rations from the elven priestess and suddenly finding his appetite fresh, Talgren chews while nodding enthusiastically to confirm Kaeleen's description. "Aye, that's Belak alright, down to the furs and hides and all." Finishing his bit of food, the youth again points at the western door. "I don't mind to go first. It's this way, I'm fairly certain. How much of this place have you seen? Aside from the hobgoblins and vermin, what dangers does this crypt hold?" Talgren heads through the door heading west while he talks.

Marching order, please.

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Karl cocks an eyebrow at Talgren's question, moving along to take up a position ahead of the others. He considers the question for a moment, looks to Meepo, and considers some more before shrugging to himself.


[sblock=ooc]Assuming single file?


With Karl out front, followed by Grotz, Rogue, then Elyan, and last of all Talgren and Kaeleen, the group makes their way back across the two crenellated half-walls through the maze of rooms into a formerly seen and very long pillared hall. Despite the majority of the group already having seen and trekked most of the length of the stone hall, Talgren seems discomfitted and ill at ease. "The tracks led this way, clear enough, but in here things become muddled." The lad gestures to the floor in front of a door 15 feet away along the north wall of the hall. "There's blood coming from that way, though it's not a kind I recognize. Too viscous and with a slight blue hue to it." Talgren, who had been crouched on the flagstone floor fingering something unseen, stands and frowns. Pointing at the set of double doors at the far eastern end of the long hall, the youth coughs as he inadvertantly inhales some of the thick billows of oily smoke fogging the hall. "The north door's an oddity that may want investigating, but right now the most direct route to hobgoblins seems to be east, through those doors down there. I've been ruffed about by at least three distinct hobgoblins while being housed down here. I should think we'll need to be prepared to deal with those three, plus perhaps a few others. And their minions, no doubt." Talgren's eyes slide to Meepo.


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"Then perhaps we should head east," says Elyan, hefting his rapier and grinning in anticipation of another stoush.

"When we get there, I'll sing you another merry song."

Talgren eyes Elyan then looks to the set of double doors at the far end of the smoke-filled pillared hall. "East? I should think this blue blood wants investigating. I've heard tell that ogres and some dragons shed blood in that hue. Still, that can wait. It's Sharwyn who wants rescuing." The lad nervously eyes Meepo yet again. "What of the vermin, that kobold there? Whose pet is he? His kind are viscious buggers, quick to turn traitor, and their lairs full of devious traps unseen to the eye. Surely you do not intend to keep him for company?"

Talgren moves away from Meepo, closer to the north door and the trail of blood. The air in the long hall is filled with a thick haze of acrid-smelling smoke that blurs sight. Several torches mounted in crude wall sconces burn fitfully in the stone chamber, the oil in which they were dipped sputtering and giving off the oozing and unctuous smoke. The twin set of marble columns that march the length of the hall, however, are quite grand even despite the acrid smoke. The nearest pairing of columns is carved with entwining dragons, elaborate in their etched detail of scales, wing and claw.


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"The vermin, as you call him, is named Meepo. He has come to be a part of our party and has not played us false. He was the white dragon's keeper, and now that the dragon is dead, will have no welcome from his clan. Until he proves to be untrustworthy, I for one will not abandon him."

"Now, let us proceed."


Karl snorts derisively at Elyan's estimation of Meepo's value. However, he has nothing further to add to explain why they do keep the kobold around. For now he contents himself with moving to the door Talgren stand by. He shrugs.

"Have to start somewhere."

He looks over the door, watching for tell tale signs of traps or anything that might lie beyond, other than blue blood.

[sblock=SOP]Listen +5
Search +6
Open Locks +8[/sblock]


Hmm …
Grotz clears his throat
This Vermin is mine, short and simple. He is my slave and personal servant … for now.
He will be excused when I’ll let him.

The big Orc blooded brute taps strongly on Meepo’s shoulder and smiles.

More satisfied by Grotzkoshter's answer than by Elyan's, Talgren nods and stands back to watch Karl examine the wooden door with patches of dried blue blood splattered in front of it. After listening carefully and canvassing the door's surface and joints for telltales signs of traps, Karl sets to work with his picks to unlock the barred wooden portal. The lock is simple enough--using his wits and little other than a hairpin, even a child could open the thing--and Karl soon has the wooden door open.

Inside, the group finds a room all too familiar. In the same condition they left it yesterday after the battle with Calcryx, the room still sports its milleu of mounted and stuffed trophy animal and kobold heads along the walls. Smashed and broken cabinets littler the periphery of the room, mute testimony of yesterday's battle with the dragon. Though chilled, the air inside the trophy room has warmed from its previously frigid and bone-gnawing rancor. Where once there had been frost and ice, now there are only puddles of cold water and the smell of wet stone and wood.

Talgren looks about the room with interest and whistles. "White dragon, eh? Couldn't have been too large, but the look of this small room." The lad turns to survey the group of adventurers. "You lot don't look none too worse for the wear for having fought off a white." The boy eyes Kaeleen. "Good--or at least as favored--as you must be, I hope you can do the same for Sharwyn when we find her."

Talgren eyes the long hall's two other closed doors and the set of double doors at the end. "Which way now?"


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Voidrunner's Codex

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