Chicago Gameday XII is Nov 12th: Planning Thread

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William Ronald said:
Both events look good, but I will give a nod towards Mutants and Msterminds as it would be the only superhero event of the Gameday. Paranoia is also good, but I do not know how big of a draw Paranoia would be.

I agree.

Buzz, please remove my afternoon Paranoia game and replace it with a “fill in the blank” event slot for PBartender.

William Ronald said:
Reidzilla, as soon as you have decided what game to run and the schedule is fixed, I think that your poster will be a welcome sight at Games Plus.

Sure. Anyone want to volunteer to print it? My ink hog printer is out of color ink. :( Plus, the poster is set to be printed on 11” x 17” paper, which my printer does not do. I thought I could print it at work, but they are on a “no employee printing” rave right now. :\ Any thoughts?

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The man with the probe
Bah, run M&M Paranoia! (You're not just mutants, you're supers, so you're even more inferior and defective) ;)


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Reidzilla said:
Buzz, please remove my afternoon Paranoia game and replace it with a “fill in the blank” event slot for PBartender.

You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. For the next month, you are my personal hero. I want to be just like you when I grow up... But not quite so funny-looking. ;) :p :D

In that case, Buzz, I'll run a Spycraft 2.0 game in the afternoon slot: "The Riled Riled Rest".


Reidzilla said:
Buzz, please remove my afternoon Paranoia game and replace it with a “fill in the blank” event slot for PBartender.
Done. You are gentleman, sir. :cool:


Pbartender said:
In that case, Buzz, I'll run a Spycraft 2.0 game in the afternoon slot: "The Riled Riled Rest".
Added. Glad to hear you are going to make it, Pb!


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buzz said:
Okay, I've added the date to the subject and all the events. We're full up! No more events left to fill.

Yikes! I go out of town for a a week and lose my chance to run Cthulhu! That'll learn me to have a job!


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Matt, you can have my afternoon slot if you wish to run something. Just let me know and it is yours, buddy. (I am all for a variety of folks and games running.)


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Okay Gang, here's my offering:

Escape Initiative
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Congratulations. You are one of the Few, the Proud..., not the Marines. You're a part of Uncle Sam's military, but your job is a bit more covert than being an average leatherneck. You are part of the Initiative. The things that go bump in the night are Hostile Sub-Terrestrials, and it's your job to take care of them, quietly, to prevent the public from panicking. The Initiative has a new underground compound in beautiful lakeside Cleveland, Ohio -where HST activity has seen an alarming increase of late. Both the field Commandos and the lab Techs have been busy trying to keep up, and one night, while you were off-shift, Something Happened...

A fast-paced game in the spirit of both BtVS/AtS and Resident Evil. Rules will be taught (Unisystem is very easy to use and simple to learn) and characters provided. For 6-8 players (planning on six, but walk-ins and guests will be welcomed, system is fast & easy)


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FCWesel said:
Matt, you can have my afternoon slot if you wish to run something. Just let me know and it is yours, buddy. (I am all for a variety of folks and games running.)

Seriously? Thanks! With your blessing, I will take the slot!

I'd like to run a horror game called "Casting the Runes". If you recognize the title, you'll know what's in store for at least one of the players.

I haven't settled on which system yet. I'm leaning towards QAGS 2nd Edition. Not only is QAGS easy to teach, it's got a great mechanic for bribing the GM. Bribing me may end up important with my scenario's setup.


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Reidzilla said:
Sure. Anyone want to volunteer to print it? My ink hog printer is out of color ink. :( Plus, the poster is set to be printed on 11” x 17” paper, which my printer does not do. I thought I could print it at work, but they are on a “no employee printing” rave right now. :\ Any thoughts?
I could probably get it printed up at work tomorrow and drop it off at the store. I work pretty close to Games Plus.

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