Chicago Gameday XII is Nov 12th: Planning Thread

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Barendd Nobeard said:
And, Buzz, I want to play in both your games! So, I'll need four slots at this gameday, with you and MattyHelms running in different slots so I can play all four games! :p
I think I'm going to run in the afternoon slot, and I hereby claim the private room for that time. You can't always have it all day, FC. :)

I'm still leaning toward the Harry Potter, but the idea of playing Savage Worlds is quite tempting. I'd prefer to use D&D with the Potter idea, though, for some bizarre reason.

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William Ronald said:
I wish there was someway for your to make it, but we will keep you in our thoughts. Maybe someone at your work could switch with you, in exchange for a favor. If not, we will try to see what we can do for the following Gameday.

I'm sure I could get somebody to switch for me, but the little mercenary inside me balks at giving up 12 hours of overtime.

Eh... don't worry about it too much, it's not the first Gameday I've missed. Not that that means I can't kvetch about it anyway. ;)

buzz said:
Sorry, Pb. :( I seem to remember fixing one of the previous dates so you could make it; I figure this time MattyHelms gets a turn. :) C'mon, man! Work something out! Want me to make a few phone calls?

Well, I've still got a trick or two up my sleeve yet... Pairhaps a vaiggly forren aksent wood werk. :cool: :D

William Ronald

Pbartender said:
Eh... don't worry about it too much, it's not the first Gameday I've missed. Not that that means I can't kvetch about it anyway. ;)

Well, maybe next time. As for complaining, I think it is the right of every message board member -- and one that is used frequently.


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Pbartender said:
Eh... don't worry about it too much, it's not the first Gameday I've missed. Not that that means I can't kvetch about it anyway. ;)

Aww, man - while I'm excited to be going to the next Gameday (thanks, buzz!), I hate for you to miss it! Think there will be rumors that we're actually the same person since we're never at the same Gamedays? :)

William Ronald

MattyHelms said:
Aww, man - while I'm excited to be going to the next Gameday (thanks, buzz!), I hate for you to miss it! Think there will be rumors that we're actually the same person since we're never at the same Gamedays? :)

Save that for one of the games, Matt.

I am thinking maybe an afternoon slot as well, and designing a game where I could easily accomodate walk-ins or people from cancelled games. (Hopefully, we will not have any problems with that this time.)


Perhaps the next step is to discuss any thoughts on improving the Gameday?

Thought #1: Everybody pitches in $5-6 and we get a catered lunch. Say like pasta, baked or fried chicken, Italian beef sandwiches, salad, vegetables, & dessert; set up at one of the big war-gaming tables. I can think of a few places I could contact and get pricing. This would require people to RSVP for lunch as much as possible so as to estimate how much food to cater. I would still get extra for some walk-ins, but only a few.

Thought #2: A prize raffle. Everybody who wants to participate buys one or more tickets for X number of dollars ($1-3max) each. Then before the swag give-a-way we draw 3 winners from the ticket bowl. Each winner would get a Gift Certificate for ¼ of the total collected. The last ¼ would go to a Katrina Disaster relief fund voted upon by the group. Good for the EN Worlders, good for Kurt, Good for the Katrina Disaster victims.

Well, there is my 2¢. Flame away! :)


Retired game store owner
Reidzilla said:
Perhaps the next step is to discuss any thoughts on improving the Gameday?

Thought #1: Everybody pitches in $5-6 and we get a catered lunch. Say like pasta, baked or fried chicken, Italian beef sandwiches, salad, vegetables, & dessert; set up at one of the big war-gaming tables. I can think of a few places I could contact and get pricing. This would require people to RSVP for lunch as much as possible so as to estimate how much food to cater. I would still get extra for some walk-ins, but only a few.
#1 has 3 major problems.
a) How do we ensure we have any food for the last people to the table?
b) I can't seal the back room, thus the food, off from the customers to the store.
c) The big tables will be open for regular store gaming events.
Thought #2: A prize raffle. Everybody who wants to participate buys one or more tickets for X number of dollars ($1-3max) each. Then before the swag give-a-way we draw 3 winners from the ticket bowl. Each winner would get a Gift Certificate for ¼ of the total collected. The last ¼ would go to a Katrina Disaster relief fund voted upon by the group. Good for the EN Worlders, good for Kurt, Good for the Katrina Disaster victims.
I personally don't like raffles, and would prefer a collection or something. I'm not even sure if the store can legally hold a raffle. (Mt. P is kinda strict about that.) But you're onto something here.


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thalmin said:
I personally don't like raffles, and would prefer a collection or something. I'm not even sure if the store can legally hold a raffle. (Mt. P is kinda strict about that.) But you're onto something here.

Even though I can't attend, I'd have to agree with this one. We already have the swag grab, there's no need for a raffle. If we want to collect for hurricane relief, just set out a collection jar and encourage everyone to make one less RPG purchase (sorry Curt :heh: ), and toss the unspent money in the jar instead.

If we want to be charitable, let's just be charitable. I don't think we need to distribute extra prizes as an incentive to be generous... It cheapens the sentiment, however well meant.


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Pbartender said:
Even though I can't attend, I'd have to agree with this one. We already have the swag grab, there's no need for a raffle. If we want to collect for hurricane relief, just set out a collection jar and encourage everyone to make one less RPG purchase (sorry Curt :heh: ), and toss the unspent money in the jar instead.

If we want to be charitable, let's just be charitable. I don't think we need to distribute extra prizes as an incentive to be generous... It cheapens the sentiment, however well meant.

I have to agree.. Even Reaper miniatures suggested just donating the ten bucks or so to the Red Cross or the disaster relief fund instead of wanting reaper to make a Hurricane Katrina Relief mini. Donating the money instead of having a Raffle has ALOT more meaning and will do ALOT more good for the survivors then trying to buy product with the money to rafffle off


First Post
Hey, GameDayers!

Regardless of the viability of the raffle idea, I would hate for Reid's main point there to get lost in the thread noise: folks there *really need help*. Raffle or not, I hope that all of us can do whatever we can to donate time/money/supplies/etc.

This has been a public service announcement. We now return you to the thread in process. :)

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