Chicago Gameday XII is Nov 12th: Planning Thread

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buzz said:
Counting people who were cool with either 10/22 or 11/12, the October date is leading by three votes. Which is unfortunate, as we finally get MattyHelms posting agaibn, and the 22nd is a date he can't make. How much more advance notice do you need! Jeebus! :p

Do I need to start bribing for votes here? :)

Have I been gone so long that don't people know that my re-appearance means Synnibarr and Cthulhu rise again?

Oh, I think I just figured out why the day I can make it is losing the vote count... :)


I got dice older than you.
Bummer. The wife and I are likely to be in Chicago Halloween weekend, and the 29th would have been perfect. :(

Well, maybe in the spring.


First Post
I would like to remove my vote of October 22nd. As it turns out it doesn't look like I can make any of the dates as I have prior arrangements for all of them :( and would hate to ruin anyones chances of getting the date they want.

Oh well I can always try for next time.


Well, I guess the two dates are neck-and-neck now. I'd err on the side of 11/12, if only so we can see MattyHelms at a Gameday again.

So, let's pretend that 11/12 is the final date. Thoughts? Further arguments for 10/22? I'd like to have an answer for thalmin by end of the day tomorrow.


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11/12 seems a decent date. Go for it.

As for when to post stuff, heck, I am all for letting folks talk about the games they want to run and all that. My thought was that less time between "event posting & player posting & actual play time" meant that there was less chance of people bailing out for this or that reason.

I say go five weeks out for the final GM thread and three weeks out for the players sign-up.

I am running a morning SERENITY slot. I would like to reserve the room for the morning slot if I can. (Actually I would like it for both slots, but it's fair that someone else get a chance at it for the other slot. The reason I like the side-room is that it's less hard on my voice.)

As for the afternoon slot, I am thinking a good ol' IRON KINGDOMS RPG event is in order.


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Here's the title of my SERENITY event...


Here's the title of my IK RPG event...


* Of course, either are subject to change if a better title comes along.


First Post
buzz said:
Well, I guess the two dates are neck-and-neck now. I'd err on the side of 11/12, if only so we can see MattyHelms at a Gameday again.

So, let's pretend that 11/12 is the final date. Thoughts? Further arguments for 10/22? I'd like to have an answer for thalmin by end of the day tomorrow.

Yay, you like me! You really like me! ;)

I am at your disposal, people - I'm thinking 1950's B-movie Cthulhu...


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