Ohio Gameday (January 18th) Game Sign Up

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For all of my Ohio friends who've noticed that I hail from the Great Lakes State just to the north of you, I want to make this abundantly clear before arriving at the Ohio Gameday in two weeks -- I am NOT now, nor have I EVER been a U of M Weasel fan!! I went to Michigan State, and bleed Sparty green & white!!

FWIW, I was rooting for the Buckeyes last night...and certainly against the Weasels back in November.

I just wanted to save all you OSU fans the wasted time and energy of trying to gloat, and rub your national title in my face. I'm happy for Buckeye fans everywhere.

This has been a public service announcement. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
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First Post
Hey guys, I'm interested in playing in Return to the Hall of the Fire Giant King if there are spaces still available.

Don't quite feel up to running a game myself though, sorry.



Congrats again on your Buckeye national championship -- it was an amazing effort and a fantastic game!!

Have you decided which PC I'm getting (gnome barbarian or halfling ranger), or are you waiting for the other participants to choose their characters first? Just curious, because I love getting inside my PC's heads beforehand...even for a one shot adventure :).


First Post
Well, we are going to be competeing with a celebration of the OSU National Champs. There's going to be some sort of celebration at the Horseshoe 1pm on that the 18th.

Mr Fidgit

First Post
Crothian said:
Well, we are going to be competeing with a celebration of the OSU National Champs. There's going to be some sort of celebration at the Horseshoe 1pm on that the 18th.
hopefully they'll be having people park around the 'shoe and on west campus...

do you know if Lane is still under construction?

Voidrunner's Codex

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