stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [OOC] (Completed)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
K17 leads to the stair at K18. No one has checked these.

The stairs at K21 go down to somewhere you have not been, up to the landing on the other side of the mad accountants (level 2) and on the floor where you found the girl and the "Ireena" portrait (level 3).

Note, in the room you found the painting of "Ireena" on the third level, there were two additional exits unexplored, both doors in the north wall.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A couple of notes:
- The ritual to awaken the sword will take 8 hours.
- None has actually determined that the stairs go directly to the crypt yet.
- If Ravika doesn't want to fight undead, she's going to have to ignore the rest of the module. ;)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Two other notes on hide from undead:
- Intelligent Undead get a save (non-intelligent undead always fail)
- If one person attacks, it ends for everyone


First Post
- If Ravika doesn't want to fight undead, she's going to have to ignore the rest of the module. ;)

Not saying she won't, just that her tribe would be fearful of the undead, and they'd perhaps be part of rituals (sort of like the voodoo zombie-lore). Also, the thought of them revolts her and she avoids them at all costs.


First Post
Marot should be in the middle of the group -- he's no tank, but he does have darkvision and the ability to see invisible things/objects.


As far as normal marching order is concerned... Jarrith will always assume he will be in front as the scout. Khensu will insert himself whereever there's a hole (i.e. I'll let other folks decide where they want to be, and put him whereever's left).

Voidrunner's Codex

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