Chicago Gameday XII is Nov 12th: Planning Thread

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MattyHelms said:
Do I need to start bribing for votes here? :)

Have I been gone so long that don't people know that my re-appearance means Synnibarr and Cthulhu rise again?

Oh, I think I just figured out why the day I can make it is losing the vote count... :)

If they both rise in the same game I'll be impressed! :eek:

If you can't make the gameday, we'll just have another one on the other date and play Cthulhubarr!

And, Buzz, I want to play in both your games! So, I'll need four slots at this gameday, with you and MattyHelms running in different slots so I can play all four games! :p

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The man with the probe
Copyright Infringement sounds like fun Buzz, i'd love to see that if you run it. I'd love to see something in skull & bones, Shadowrun 4th, or Weapons of the Gods too.


Ding! Would you like fries with that order of Weapons of the Gods?

Iron Chef Bei!*
Join in the heart-pounding Wuxia Kung Fu action as the wulin warriors join in culinary combat! The Bei Clan is hosting Martial arts competition that will test both participants fighting skills and cooking skills for, as Confucius said, they are like two brothers from the same house.
* Event name, subject, and game system subject to change at any moment until the final GM thread. No Wulin were hurt during the making of this event.

I may run a second event. I am not sure yet.

Ha! take that Synnibarthulhu! :D


Yes, you did. But, it is still better then a room full of monkeys. :D

Seriously, I will most likely run one or two of the following games: Weapons of the Gods, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2ed, Mutants & Masterminds 2ed (way better than 1st), Shadowrun 4th, Super Happy Fun Time Random Adventure, or Paranoia XP.
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The man with the probe
You could always combine some of them. Super Happy Fun Time Random Adventure could be fun in Parinoia. or perhaps M&M + Shadowrun.


First Post
buzz said:
So, let's pretend that 11/12 is the final date. Thoughts? Further arguments for 10/22? I'd like to have an answer for thalmin by end of the day tomorrow.

Dang. :(

And I had a great idea for a Spycraft 2.0 adventure that revolved around a multi-national foreign conspiracy to sabotage America's ketchup industry. :]

William Ronald

Pbartender said:
Dang. :(

And I had a great idea for a Spycraft 2.0 adventure that revolved around a multi-national foreign conspiracy to sabotage America's ketchup industry. :]

I wish there was someway for your to make it, but we will keep you in our thoughts. Maybe someone at your work could switch with you, in exchange for a favor. If not, we will try to see what we can do for the following Gameday.


Pbartender said:
Sorry, Pb. :( I seem to remember fixing one of the previous dates so you could make it; I figure this time MattyHelms gets a turn. :) C'mon, man! Work something out! Want me to make a few phone calls?

That said, let's make it official. 11/12 it is.

(FYI, FWIW, IYKWIM, I'll be out of town until Monday, so I won't be posting 'till then.)

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