Ohio Gameday (January 18th) Game Sign Up

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Crothian said:
I'll give each DM a few prizes that they can give out as they see fit. That should work.

Sounds like a good plan to me.

As for your Whispering Woodwind campaign...when do you plan on posting the PC options for us to choose from?


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Quickbeam said:

Sounds like a good plan to me.

As for your Whispering Woodwind campaign...when do you plan on posting the PC options for us to choose from?

Good question. Probably work on that after Christmas.


Crothian said:
Good question. Probably work on that after Christmas.

I'll be sure to get together in a chat channel with you after the holidays and we'll discuss what I can do for you in regard to prizes, eh? :)


First Post
I'm interested in playing the d20 Modern at 10.

I guess I'm too late for the Woodwinds game...and Fire Giants scare me (actually, I don't like playing such high level characters). But maybe there will be a pick-up game I can join in the 3-7 slot.

I wish the swashbuckling game were earlier...it sounds fun, but 8-midnight is just too late for me.



First Post
Thanks for posting Quatermoon. I'm hop9ing there will bew some pick up games as well inaddition to other odds and ends.

Perhps spme board games or other forms of entertainment should be brought?


My buddy Alex and I are still working on an ETA, which will determine our availability for the d20 Modern game.

Any idea when those 1st level PC's are gonna get posted Crothian -- I'm anxious to see the kooky race/class combinations you've come up with :D

Oh yeah...BUMP!

Voidrunner's Codex

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