”...Dearest Madame, please accept these materials as a token of good faith. I felt that given your uniqueness among your kind, i.e., a Vampyr who is not a slave to the blood lust, you deserved this warning, which I now deliver in full earnest, and with due sympathy.The man from whom you are stealing is known as Margull The Black, and he is one of the eldest known members of his kind, commonly referred to as “The True Bloods.” Many years ago, Margull was imprisoned by a powerful wizard by the name of Morval, who sought to steal his immortality from him. Margull escaped his imprisonment, but not before Morval managed to obtain a sample of Margull’s blood, and to make a potion, which he believed would grant him the same powers. His partial success is the origin of your kind, my dear. The True Bloods refer to your kind as “Vampyr,” a term which has two, inter-related meanings: “Lesser Truth,” and also, "Those of the Stolen Blood." At any rate, the potion was flawed, and it drove Morval insane, among other things. Later, after learning of Morval’s depravity, and of his promiscuous proliferation of Vampyr-kind, Margull vowed to hunt down and destroy ALL Vampyr, wherever he found them, so that their maniacal rampage could be brought to an end. Margull believes that Vampyr cannot overcome their bestial nature, and as such, are abominations which must be destroyed. I have seen it in your sister’s thoughts, images and memories of you, things you have said and done. I have seen the spark of good within the blackness of your past deeds. I thereby beg of you, to abandon your search for those of Margull’s kind, and to keep your presence hidden from them. I am not certain that Margull would negotiate with you, were he to discover you. Your best chance for safety is to stay as you are, unseen. The books and materials that Respen has given you are enchanted with a spell of my own design. After a period of several days, the books will magically teleport back to me, and I will restore them to their proper place in Margull’s study. Therefore, you should make yourself a copy of them as quickly as possible. After that, I would advise you to leave well enough alone, and cease your meddling in the affairs of these creatures. You will not find the answers you seek among their kind. Yours most cordially, Laramon.”