Lathir, once a day late in the afternoon, will shift into the form of a vulture and take to the sky to circle the fort and immediate surrounding area to check the progress of activity below, as well as look for potential imminent threats or anomalies.

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wOn his daily patrols, Lathir makes the following discoveries:

1. The Orcs who are camped outside the fortress receive a message of some kind, delivered by two Orcs who fly in on Manticores, and deliver a piece of parchment to the camp's commander. The commander speaks to them briefly, and they salute him. They then fly off in the direction from whence they came.

2. The Hill Giants on guard duty at the fort can often be seen snoozing, asleep at their posts.

3. At one point, Lathir catches sight of a 13-foot tall Drow Elf walking around, flanked by two Hill Giant females!

4. No further patrols leave the compound, although at one point, a platoon of 31 Orcs (1 Sergeant, 30 Troops) goes inside the compound, and doesn't come back out.

GM: Tam-Tam: Both diamonds are clear and blue, with few inclusions. Either of them would easily fetch between 5,000 and 8,000 gp. retail price, which means that a gem dealer would probably pay you between 2,500 and 4,000 gp. for each of them.

Sylvar, you suddenly feel a mystical connection to Respen in your mind! Before you can contemplate the significance of this, you receive the following mental message:

Respen: “Hello, good buddy. I’ve got quite a story to tell you. Don’t move, Laramon is opening a portal with his mirror. Bringing friend with me.”

GM: On the other side of the world…

Respen said:
Respen is irritated. Upon Laramon’s disclosure that Margull’s books and materials are of limited value, and upon his realization that the book return spell isn’t something that can be ended prematurely, Respen intended to tell Dame Clare about the spell. However, given her deception in Laramon’s library, Respen withholds such information.

Moments after stepping back through the portal, Respen is contacted via the Orb Link by Dame Clare.

Dame Clare, Orb Link: ~Respen, honey, these books have magical auras on them. I’m very disappointed. Didn’t you think to check for that? What if they’re trapped? Ah, well, I shall know soon enough. Where did I put my loupe? [...] By the way, did Laramon say anything about the servant I sent to collect the items? Did he like my outfit?~ Clare’s intoxicating chuckle echoes through Respen’s mind.

Respen said:
If she queries him about it, he’ll ask her the whereabouts of her gnomish friend, and mention that Laramon was under the impression that Dame Clare herself was the gnome. Respen will feign incredulity, certain that Dame Clare would not deceive her apprentice when he proffered his own assurance. Perhaps her well-seasoned hubris will properly meet more humble facts. If she comes clean, Respen will also, and will share Laramon’s admonition. Otherwise, she can step into that pile of dung all on her own.

Respen, Orb Link: ~Yes, he did. He thought your disguise was very entertaining, if somewhat insulting, although he also mentioned that it was incredibly easy to detect. It seems that you are not as clever as you intended to be. Please be careful, my Mistress; I tell you this not to insult you, but to warn you. Laramon is exceedingly powerful. He doesn’t miss anything. I’ve never seen anything like it. At a glance, he knew that your sister was pregnant with twins. He seems to be a walking Identify spell. And that also seems to be the very least of his powers. He also wanted me to share something with you.~ Respen repeats Laramon’s warning.

Laramon said:
”...When you have a chance, tell her something for me: point out that her deception was immediately detected, and that I consider such behavior quite rude. Further rudeness will be met with stringent measures. I am a man of patience, and even of tolerance, but I will not be taken advantage of.”

Dame Clare, Orb Link, Chuckling: ~Touche. Tell your mentor that he can relax. That was a test. I wanted to know with whom I was dealing. I’m very impressed that despite detecting me, he chose not to act. That restraint tells me much about his disposition. Larry is what is known, in Drow terms, as a collector. The reason he didn’t attack me is because he saw me as a possible asset. Truly, a man after my own heart. At any rate, I’ve got the books in an Anti-Magic Field while I prepare to examine them. Now to the letter that Larry sent me. I thought I would share it with you, since you seem to be a great admirer of his.~

Dame Clare said:
”...Dearest Madame, please accept these materials as a token of good faith. I felt that given your uniqueness among your kind, i.e., a Vampyr who is not a slave to the blood lust, you deserved this warning, which I now deliver in full earnest, and with due sympathy.The man from whom you are stealing is known as Margull The Black, and he is one of the eldest known members of his kind, commonly referred to as “The True Bloods.” Many years ago, Margull was imprisoned by a powerful wizard by the name of Morval, who sought to steal his immortality from him. Margull escaped his imprisonment, but not before Morval managed to obtain a sample of Margull’s blood, and to make a potion, which he believed would grant him the same powers. His partial success is the origin of your kind, my dear. The True Bloods refer to your kind as “Vampyr,” a term which has two, inter-related meanings: “Lesser Truth,” and also, "Those of the Stolen Blood." At any rate, the potion was flawed, and it drove Morval insane, among other things. Later, after learning of Morval’s depravity, and of his promiscuous proliferation of Vampyr-kind, Margull vowed to hunt down and destroy ALL Vampyr, wherever he found them, so that their maniacal rampage could be brought to an end. Margull believes that Vampyr cannot overcome their bestial nature, and as such, are abominations which must be destroyed. I have seen it in your sister’s thoughts, images and memories of you, things you have said and done. I have seen the spark of good within the blackness of your past deeds. I thereby beg of you, to abandon your search for those of Margull’s kind, and to keep your presence hidden from them. I am not certain that Margull would negotiate with you, were he to discover you. Your best chance for safety is to stay as you are, unseen. The books and materials that Respen has given you are enchanted with a spell of my own design. After a period of several days, the books will magically teleport back to me, and I will restore them to their proper place in Margull’s study. Therefore, you should make yourself a copy of them as quickly as possible. After that, I would advise you to leave well enough alone, and cease your meddling in the affairs of these creatures. You will not find the answers you seek among their kind. Yours most cordially, Laramon.”

There is a long period of silence on the Orb Link, before Clare finally replies.

Dame Clare, Orb Link, In A Sour Tone: ~You’ve done well, my little cherub. Go play. I have a few things that I want to get sorted out. I shall contact you later.~

Laramon said:
“...Be careful, my boy. I won’t be leaving this portal open. When you and your fiance step through, you will be taking a one-way trip. The place where they’re camping looks rough, wild, and harsh. It’s the sort of terrain in which one tends to find Trolls and other Giant-kin.Tread cautiously.”

Respen nods, the warning staying with him, as he and Nelvandra step through the portal…

GM: In the midst of the Overlook Campsite...

It is now Patchwall 22, CY 963, 10:35 AM.

To everyone’s surprise, Respen appears from nowhere, flanked by a Drow Sorceress! Could this be Dame Clare? Is Respen her prisoner? Or worse yet, her mental slave? The time for action is now! Everyone: what do you do?
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On his daily patrols, Lathir makes the following discoveries:

1. The Orcs who are camped outside the fortress receive a message of some kind, delivered by two Orcs who fly in on Manticores, and deliver a piece of parchment to the camp's commander. The commander speaks to them briefly, and they salute him. They then fly off in the direction from whence they came.

2. The Hill Giants on guard duty at the fort can often be seen snoozing, asleep at their posts.

3. At one point, Lathir catches sight of a 13-foot tall Drow Elf walking around, flanked by two Hill Giant females!

4. No further patrols leave the compound, although at one point, a platoon of 31 Orcs (1 Sergeant, 30 Troops) goes inside the compound, and doesn't come back out.
Each time he returns from flight, Lathir conveys all relative information to the party as a group, if they will gather to listen, especially about seeing the altered Drow.
"That Drow is completely comfortable in his surrounding. I do not know if his alteration is permanent or something of his own doing, or something of an item, but I am certain that he is truly a Drow. His behavior also suggests that he is free of the normally domineering choke hold the females of that race keep on their male kin."

GM said:
GM: In the midst of the Overlook Campsite...

It is now Patchwall 22, CY 963, 10:35 AM.

To everyone’s surprise, Respen appears from nowhere, flanked by a Drow Sorceress! Could this be Dame Clare? Is Respen her prisoner? Or worse yet, her mental slave? The time for action is now! Everyone: what do you do?
Earlier that morning, Lathir rises as he usually does, washes his face, then walks toward the forested edge of the encampment, away from the ledge. He takes his spear in his hand and begins moving in a particular pattern that he has repeated each morning thus able. The movement looks something of a practice kata for combat and something of ritual. He speaks words, mostly to himself, at various specific point throughout the movement.

Finishing at the point he begins, Lathir kneels in a serval warrior position, always beginning with the left knee. He places his spear perpendicular to his facing on the ground in from of him and removes his hat, placing it on the other side of the spear.

If anyone observes closely enough, as the hat is placed upon the ground, Lathir's appearance changes slightly. He seems leaner, more muscular, more like a warrior and less like a scholar. He holds this position, meditating, contemplating, and reflecting upon his chosen path.

When he is satisfied, Lathir retrieves his hat, his appearance softening, and his spear before returning to the group appearing refreshed and ready for the day's events... well almost ready, some things cannot be predicted.

"Well, well, well, if it is not the wayward scholar and with dangerous company."

The levity of his voice belies his readiness for action. Looking at the Drow female, he continues.
"Are you here to talk or is this a boisterous flare into combat?"
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Tam-Tam leaps up at seeing Respen (the one who snatched him from the jaws of the lion, as it were, to bring him through the "looking glass" and into this good company in the first place), and rushes toward him:

"Respen! You're back! It's so good to see..." And stops short, seeing the Drow sorceress, "Urp."

He stops cold, completely caught off-guard and totally unsure as to what to do, since he left all his weapons and traveling (utility ;-) ) belt, excepting his boot dagger, by his bedroll where he was resting.

Having heard Respen in his mind, Sylvar is not surprised at his appearing, but seeing the Drow Princess standing next to Respen is unexpected. Sylvar stands from where he is sitting and leans on the magical Naginata he took from the Ogre Mage... Sylvar looks at Respen...”Well Respen, who is your companion?”

OOC: Sylvar rolls Bardic Knowledge, d20+17. Result is 37
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GM: Posted on behalf of Respen, who is on vacation. Re-printed from e-mail message.

Respen sees Sylvar and the halfling from Skorane immediately, the others behind them.

Seeing them clearly startled, Respen’s motions are relaxed but protective of Nelvandra, his Drow companion.

He removes his hood and greets Sylvar with a hug. “My kinsmen! It is good to see you! I was vexed when you didn’t come back through the portal!” He reaches for Tam’s hand, clasping it along his forearm in a brotherhood grasp. “My newfound hobbit friend. It does me good to see you well also!”

At Lathir’s greeting, Respen smiles, “He speaks! Yes my friend, it is Respen. No, we do not come with quarrel. Please, meet Nelvandra of the House Delzeen, my betrothed. Nel, meet Lathir the Wise. And this is Sylvar, Bard extraordinaire, and Tam the Quick. Behind them are Kleborn of the North and Dewydd, Master of Bladed Pain. And this is Vale, Cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard and the Dwarven Pantheon. Laramon sends us to you at my request, to join you here. I have some news. Let us sit for a moment, taking in a meal, and I shall explain our presence as well as the last several days. I would like to know what adventures you’ve come across as well.”

Respen does not leave Nel’s side so as to offer her a comfort level among strangers.

“I remained behind in Skorane to guard your flank, and frankly, because I was curious who would come calling once they realized their golem and guards were rendered. It was Dame Clare. Sylvar’s song about her did not do her justice. She is indeed powerful and mysterious. The teleport circles are her construction, and she can use them, but they are not for her per se. The short version of the story is that she wasn’t happy for the intrusion, and I struck a bargain of sorts with her. I agreed to service for her, including protection of Nel and her family in exchange for granting me my life. The perks are that Nel and I are wedded in spirit if not in deed, as well as certain resources that Dame Clare can choose to put at our disposal. She is better as an ally than as an enemy.”

OOC: Respen answers their questions as they have them, agreeing to share more information as relevant. He alludes to Nel’s relationship with Dame Clare, but he doesn’t specifically mention it, allowing Nel to decide to do that or not.

He listens to their tales as well, and he take particular interest in the 13 foot tall Drow, wondering aloud whether he could be magically enlarged or something else?

“Nel? Do you happen to know who this could be?”
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Lathir’s description of the male Drow Elf is precise enough for Nelvandra to recognize who it must be.

Nelvandra replies to Respen’s question: “His name is Glimval The Dark, he’s what The Drow call a Mageling; he’s unwilling to commit himself completely to the study of Wizardry, and he carries that big bastard sword around like some sort of trophy. It doesn’t surprise me to learn that he’s here, because he is ridiculed in Shalistaurimon. It makes sense that he’d be here, far away, trying to make a name for himself in a foreign land, and taking advantage of females from inferior species. He’s such a schmuck. But make no mistake, he is a dangerous foe. And yes, he’s magically enlarged himself somehow.”
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Lathir Is Not Put at Ease

“I remained behind in Skorane to guard your flank, and frankly, because I was curious who would come calling once they realized their golem and guards were rendered. It was Dame Clare. Sylvar’s song about her did not do her justice. She is indeed powerful and mysterious. The teleport circles are her construction, and she can use them, but they are not for her per se. The short version of the story is that she wasn’t happy for the intrusion, and I struck a bargain of sorts with her. I agreed to service for her, including protection of Nel and her family in exchange for granting me my life. The perks are that Nel and I are wedded in spirit if not in deed, as well as certain resources that Dame Clare can choose to put at our disposal. She is better as an ally than as an enemy.”
Nelvandra replies to Respen’s question:
“His name is Glimval The Dark, he’s what The Drow call a Mageling; he’s unwilling to commit himself completely to the study of Wizardry, and he carries that big bastard sword around like some sort of trophy. It doesn’t surprise me to learn that he’s here, because he is ridiculed in Shalistaurimon. It makes sense that he’d be here, far away, trying to make a name for himself in a foreign land, and taking advantage of females from inferior species. He’s such a schmuck. But make no mistake, he is a dangerous foe. And yes, he’s magically enlarged himself somehow.”
Lathir listens quietly before taking a step toward the two. He looks directly at Nelvandra as he speaks.
"Bethrothed? It is well publicized that in Drow society males are treated as highly expendable slaves and used as seed cattle. I find no levity in that choice of word. Respen's adulation in word choice concerning your sadistically narcissistic dictator makes me nauseous.

We were tasks with discovering the source of a particularly malevolent disturbance in an area near Dyvers. Observation reveals undead and a golem. The source of which is a Drow female. Respen's paranoia or indecisiveness lends itself to his capture by that golem's creator, a Drow female.

You name and describe the male Drow below with distaste, labeling him as substandard, perhaps because he is free of his former enslavement to Drow society.

And, here Respen returns to us with a considerable feel of differentness to him with you, an agent of that Drow female. Tell me why I should not do everything in my power to kill you right now
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GM: +2,500 xp roleplaying bonus to Lathir for such an awesome post! I will wait and give the other party members time to weigh in before I post Nel’s reply.

Both Thallok and Kleborn stand at the ready after Lathir's question. Thallok gives a little grunt.

Kleborn tries to look un-threatening while awaiting Nel's answer. However, he has concern for his old friend. "I have known Respen for a long time, if this is a legitimate engagement then I will rejoice. But may the heavens help you if you have captured him and forced him into this arrangement. Because as long as I stand, Respen will not be a Drow slave."
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