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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Initiative Order For Round 5:

Dewydd: 25
Tam-Tam: 23a
Kleborn: 23b
Vale: 23c
Thallok: 20a
Orcs: 20b
Lathir: 17
Sylvar: 12
Ogre Magi: 8

Dewydd fires three arrows at the retreating Ogre. Although only one makes contact, it is enough. The arrow hits the Ogre on his left side, skewering him through the ribs. The Ogre screams in pain, and falls onto the spikes below. He is quite dead.

Damage From Arrow: 10 pts. [-1, Dying.]
Fall Damage (10 ft.): 1 pt. [-2, Dying.]
Damage From Spikes: 9 pts. [-11, Dead.]

Current Positions:


Tam-Tam: It's Your Turn! What do you do?


Unsure of how to attack a gaseous Ogre Magi and completely out of range for Orcs #1 & 2, Tam-Tam steps back a toward Sylvar, saying:

"Friend Sylvar, what am I seeing? I didn't know Ogre's could do magic. I don't know what to do against it. Is there anything I CAN do?"

Thus, Tam-Tam takes his movement turn by moving next to Sylvar, an arrow nocked and ready, though he has no idea how an arrow could ever hurt a cloud of gas.

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"You took some of those magical arrows, yes? Use them - they'll hit as long as your aim is true!" I tell Tam-Tam as a tisk myself for missing with two shots.


Understanding that the Elven arrows are more special than he originally thought, Tam-Tam shoots at the gaseous Ogre Magi.

The first arrow: 14+4+1, for 19
The second arrow: 6+4+1, for 11.

DM can roll damage if any hit.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

OTTER Rules System Modification:

OTTER Gaseous Form Clarification 001.png

Gaseous Form: Base AC 10; -1 Size = AC: 9.
(Armor and Natural Armor do not apply.)

Tam Tam said:
Understanding that the Elven arrows are more special than he originally thought, Tam-Tam shoots at the gaseous Ogre Magi.

The first arrow: 14+4+1, for 19 [AC: 9 = Hit]
The second arrow: 6+4+1, for 11. [AC: 9 = Hit]

Range to target: 60 ft. (First range increment, no to-hit penalty.)

Both of Tam's arrows pass through the gaseous cloud, thudding into the ground. As they pass through the gas, little swirling motes of magical energy form inside the cloud, causing it to spark and flicker. Apparently, the arrows have had some sort of effect upon the Ogre Magi!

Damage: Base: 1d4+1, also: +1d4 Holy vs. Evil.
Total Damage For Each Arrow: 2d4+1.
Roll = 5,4 = 9 pts. damage, total.
The Ogre Magi has taken a total of 62 points of damage so far. He is still "up."

Current Positions, With Corrected Position For Ogre Magi:


Kleborn: It's Your Turn! What Do You Do?

Sylvar B.

I noticed that Sylvar left a blank post after I mentioned preserving continuity in the thread. Therefore, I shall simply make a note, showing that, using the official OTTER ruling for talking out-of-turn during combat, Sylvar says one sentence worth of speech.

Sylvar says, out of turn, "Hey, Tam pass me two Elven arrows."

KLEBORN: It's still your turn! What do you do?
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"Ooo...will this involve magic?", Tam-Tam queries as he prepares to pass two of his Elven arrows to Sylvar.

Post edited; you cannot actually pass the arrows to Sylvar until your turn.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Here is the link to the post where the caravan treasure was listed. There were FOUR QUIVERS of magical arrows in that hoard! Click Here

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

Posting on behalf of Kleborn, as per instructions given via Facebook Messenger.

Kleborn grabs two arrows from the Elven quiver that is hanging from his horse’s saddle. ~The Halfling is right, these arrows are blessed against evil, and are perfect for use against foul cretins such as this cur.~

Arrow #1: (2) + 1 + 11 = 14 (Hit) Dam: 1d8 + 1d4+ 4 = 14
Arrow #2: (11) + 1 + 6 = 18 (Hit) Dam: 1d8 + 1d4+ 4 = 12
Ogre Magi: -15 (Dead)

Kleborn fires two arrows at the mist, and just like Tam’s, they spark and flicker as they pass through. Apparently, these arrows were the last straw, metaphorically speaking; the cloud dissapates, leaving the Ogre’s corporal body lying dead among the spikey stones!

VALE: It’s your turn! What do you do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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