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Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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ooc: small enough that it can easily pass through the ruined manor house. Large enough that it probably will not fit down the stairwell to the basement of the Moathouse. Pony-sized, not including wings and tail.

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The thought, that the cat could be more than just an animal, had crossed Lenya's mind as well, but what could she do?

Her pondering was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of the dragon. A trap? Yes, it was a trap, the way back blocked by the dragon and the way ahead leading into unknown territory, and that was where the dragon was herding them.

But there is no time to think, so Lenya quickly runs after the others and vanishes into the stairway.


"A cat!" Toriah says hopefully. "Surely that means it's safe here, or somewhere nearby." His face falls at the mention of a familiar.

When Redithidoor races by, he is prepared to dismiss the thought of a dragon in particular, but the fear on the man's face propels Toriah down the stairs with the others. Even if it's not a dragon, whatever it is must be fearsome indeed. A trap? he has time to think before fleeing.


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The party of adventurers retreat down the stairwell, taking cover from the powerful dragon. (OOC: I assumed Raner and Kerwyn fled down the stairs with the other PCs, if either wishes to stay up above and fight the Dragon, let me know).

Redithidoor is the first person to reach the bottom of the stairwell, stopping as soon as he realizes that he can no longer see where he is going. He feels a savage painful blow on his knee, begins to fall and yell, and his voice is cut off in a gurgle.

Sounds of harsh laughter float up the stairwell.

Lenya and Raner, with their darkvision, can see two jackal faced humanoids at the bottom of the staircase. The first Jackal faced humanoid hit Redithidoor in the knee with his axe, the second Jackal faced humanoid cut off Redithidoors head with a powerful blow to the neck.

(die roll 8 +2 +2=12 hit, damage 2+5=7; die roll 14+2+2=18 hit, damage 8+5=13).

Round 1
23: Kerwyn -- delays (spot check 6, sees nothing)
20: Toriah -- delays (spot check 12, sees nothing)
15: Jackal faced humanoids laugh and press forward the attack, both swinging their axes at Raner. The first Jackal misses (die roll 3+4=7 miss), the other swings (die roll 14+2=16 hit), hitting him in the chest. Raner takes 7 points of damage.
14: Dragon makes noises in the level above.
14: Chat -- Chat jumps off the stairwell and nimbly lands on the floor below behind the Jackal humanoids (Raner and Lenya noticed that Chat was quite acrobatic and did not draw AOOs).
11: Craven Proudheart (spot check 22) sees the red eyes of what must be a monster on the stairs below him and keeps the monster from ever hurting anyone else. Swinging his warhammer at where the monster's nose must be, Craven hits the monster with holy force and crushes the head of the no longer laughing monster and knocks it off the staircase (5+4+1 height+2moving fast down stairs +1 holy force=13 hit, hit for 8+2+2 damage=12).
10: Lylamwyn (spot check 3, sees nothing)
9: Raner (sees the remaining jackal humanoid in front of him) and swings his axe in a powerful move, cutting down the second jackal humanoid (6+5+1 height +2 moving fast down stairs = 14 hit, hit for 8 +2 = 10 damage)
5: Belaver (spot check 14) & Neshi-- full defense
3: Lenya blasts one of the Jackal humanoids with a ray of green fire. (die roll 14 = hit, 2 points of damage)

The combat at the bottom of the stairs has ended. Both of the jackal humanoids were slain. Raner thinks the two jackal humanoids are the creatures commonly known as Gnolls.

At the top of the stairwell, the Dragon roars but makes no attempt to enter the dungeon.
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First Post

“There!” Lenya points towards the ugly jackal-faced creatures, not realizing, that the others cannot see them.

The thought of the dragon still fresh in her mind, her reactions are frozen for a moment, but then her instincts take over and Lenya follows the others. On the way, she points at one of the creatures again, this time with the greenish flame engulfing her hand, and promptly a bolt of the fiendish energy races towards the foe, sent forth with only so much as a flick of her wrist.

OOC: ranged touch attack +4 (trying to avoid cover, if possible), damage 1d6+1 + Will save (DC 17) or shaken.
BTW, you could use spoiler tags for the parts, that not everyone does see (i.e. the darkvision part above).


Toriah scrambles backwards at the attack on Redithidoor. Can' see a damn thing down here!

OOC: Move back 30', unless that puts me in range of the dragon. If it does, I'll move back until just before the stairs end.
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"Boccob's moldy tomes! Can't see a thing."
Kerwyn halts his moving as soon as he hears the laughter. He stays still untill he has some inkling about the location of the source for said unnerving sound.

OoC: Delaying untill there's a clear sign of the two.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
At the shout and gurgle, Belaver flattens himself against the wall, angling his spear in hopes of deflecting any blows or critters directed his way, and orders Neshi in a hiss to guard him.

(OOC: Full defense)

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Craven grasps his warhammer and struggles to control his breathing. Above all, he could not scream. If he started screaming, he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to stop. Moving down the staircase, he began to breathe more slowly, carefully calming himself.*
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Voidrunner's Codex

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