Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Round 4 Is Underway!


Initiative Order For Round 4:

Dewydd: 24
Thallok: 22
Tam-Tam: 20
Lathir: 17
Kleborn: 17
Giant #1: 15
Orcs: 12
Sylvar: 11
Vale: 10
Trolls: 8
Ogre #1: 5

Giant #1 = Unconscious, bleeding out [-4]
Giant #2 = Dead
Troll #1 = Unconscious, regenerating [-22]
Troll #2 = Wounded [29 pts.] Cannot regenerate fire damage. (New max hp = 34)
Ogre #1 = Unwounded
Ogre #2 = Unconscious, stable [0]
Ogre #3 = Unconscious, stable [0]
Ogre #4 = Dead
Orc #1 ("Kraddock") = Unconscious, bleeding out [-8]
Orc #2 = Dead
Orc #3 = Unwounded
Orc #4 = Unwounded
Orc #5 = Unwounded
Orc #6 = Unwounded

Sylvar's Song:
Inspire Courage
+2 Morale Bonus To Hit
+2 Morale Bonus To Damage
+2 Morale Bonus To Charm & Fear Saves

+1 Luck Bonus To Hit
+1 Luck Bonus To Damage
+1 Luck Bonus To All Saves
+1 Luck Bonus To All Skill Checks

Enemies Recieve -1 To All Of These Things

Duration: 4 More Rounds (Expires in Round 8)

All Orcs (including Thallok) are Dazzled, and have a -1 penalty To-Hit.

Lathir call down the THUNDER on Troll #2!

Troll Reflex Save, DC 19 = 9 (Fail)
Troll takes 11 pts. of electrical damage.
Trolls are susceptible to being set on fire (OTTER Rule); Lightning spark can ignite their skin.
Fort Save, DC = Damage Taken. (DC 11)
Rainy conditions = +4 bonus.
Troll Fort Save 1d20+11+4 = 23 (Succeed)
Troll does not catch on fire.
Troll has taken 40 points damage total so far, the first 29 of which cannot be regenerated.
The Troll will be able to regenerate the electrical damage, however, starting next round.


The Troll sees Lathir pointing at him, and looks up just in time to catch a lightning bolt in the face! The Troll shudders as electrical current courses through his body, causing him to scream, his vocalization being a mixture of fear, pain, and anger. He eyes Lathir with bloodthirsty vengeance!

KLEBORN: It's your turn! What do you do?

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Kleborn looks at Ogre #1 and gives a smile. "Well my friend, it appears you made a mistake. If you intend to strike me you really should hit. Now you will pay for that mistake."

Kleborn then moves forward one step and strikes the ogre with all his force using his long-sword.

First attack=16
Second attack=30 & 24

Your first attack was natural 1 on the base die, which is always a miss.

damage from second hit = 19

You didn't add in Song & Prayer bonuses to damage.
Base rolls = 2d8 = 1 & 4
+20 = 25 pts. damage.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Orcs Strike Back!

Kleborn steps forward, cozying up to the lead Ogre. He leads with a feint, which the Ogre sees coming a mile away, and sidesteps.

Grunting with disapproval, Kleborn changes tactics, bringing his longsword down on the Ogre's forearm, causing him to wince in pain, as Kleborn delivers a serious injury to the Ogre's weapon arm.

Ogre #1 has taken 25 points of damage.

Giant #1 continues to bleed out. [-5]

As the Orcs make their attack, Lt. Kraddock continues to bleed out. [-9]

Orcs at -1 To-Hit from being Dazzled.
Orc #4 takes a step forward, in order to flank Kleborn along with Orc #5. (Orcs #4 and #5 have +2 to hit from flanking; net result from Dazzled = +1)
Orcs #3 and #6 both attack Dewydd.
Orc #3: 15 (Miss) vs. Dewydd
Orc #6: 6 (Miss) vs. Dewydd
Orc #4: 25 (Hit) vs. Kleborn; Crit confirmation = No Crit. // DAM: 2d4+10 = 13.
Orc #5: 17 (Miss) vs. Kleborn

Kleborn has taken 13 pts. Damage.

The Orcs spread out, in teams of 2; their objective: take out the fighters. Two Orcs manage to flank Kleborn, and despite Kleborn's supreme skill with a shield, one of them gets a stab in past his defenses, striking him on the left thigh, leaving a vicious gash.

The two Orcs on Dewydd are unable to get into a similar flanking position, and Dewydd is able to successfully fend both of them off.


SYLVAR: If you'd like to attack, you can, and you can even do so while continuing to sing; STARTING to sing (last round) was a standard action. But this round, you can continue to sing while attacking. HOWEVER, if you choose to do so, you will need to make a Concentration Check, DC 15. Failure means that your song is interrupted. (i.e., the song will end, however, the effects will still linger for 5 rounds, as stated in the PHB, pp. 29.)

SYLVAR: It's your turn! What do you do?

Sylvar B.

Sylvar surveys the battlefield and decides the best way to help would be to even things out a bit for Kleborn. Sylvar concentrates and casts grease on the squares shared by ogre 1 and the troll 2.

Have fun playing in the mud you swine!!! He thinks to himself, while still singing.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Vale Evens The Odds!

Sylvar continues to sing, working the verbal components of his spell into the song lyrics, flawlessly.

Distracted Casting: Casting in combat, but without being threatened by enemy = equivalent of Vigorous Motion; DC 10 + Spell Level.

Concentration DC 11; Sylvar has Concentration check of +12, which is a minimum result of 13. He cannot fail this roll.

Sylvar casts a Grease spell.

Sylvar's Grease spell is marked as 4 black squares on the map, affecting both the Ogre and the Troll.

Saving Throw: Reflex, DC 14
Ogre #1: (21) -1 (Prayer) = 20 (Success - Doesn't fall down)
Troll #2: (23) -1 (Prayer) = 22 (Success - Doesn't fall down)

Both the Ogre and the Troll wobble a bit, but they manage to keep their balance.

As per our Facebook Chat conversation:

Vale said:
I'm going to call Combat Expertise (5 pts) vs. Orc #5, and also 5 pts. of Power Attack. I charge Orc #5, and if I drop him, I will cleave into Orc #4.

Vale charges Orc #5, saying, "Face me, ya stinkin' coward!"

As Vale moves in, the Ogre takes a swipe at him.

Attack of Opportunity:
Ogre: Base To-Hit: +16; Rage +2; Prayer = -1; Total: +17 to hit.

Vale AC: Base 14; Vs. Giants = AC: 18; Combat Expertise (5 pts.) = AC: 23; Charging penalty (-2) = AC: 21

Ogre's Attack Roll: (18) [Natural 1] = clean miss.

Vale is lucky, more than anything else. Vale gets the feeling that if the Ogre had a cooler head, the blow might have connected. Vale sidesteps the Ogre's blow, bringing his axe to bear on Orc #5.

Base To-Hit: +10; +1 vs. Orcs; +2 for Charge; Prayer & Song: +3; Total = +16
Power Attack 5 pts./Combat Expertise 5 pts. = -10 = +6 Total.
Vale's attack roll: 20 (Hit)
Damage with Power Attack: 1d10+18 (22) Orc drops. (Exactly to 0 Hit Pts.)
Cleave Attack: 9 (Miss.)

Orc #5, whose attention is focused on boxing in Kleborn, notices Vale's incoming axe just a second too late. The Dwarf's axe catches him squarely in the chest, dropping him with a single blow!

Orc #5: Unconscious, bleeding out, due to wound being caused by slashing weapon. [0 hit pts.]


Orc Blood Meme 001.jpg

Current Positions:

Troll #2 has vengeance in his mind against Lathir, but Sylvar's Grease spell slows him down.

Balance Check DC 10: 12 (Success)
Troll moves out of Grease area at half-move.
Troll takes double move, and his movement is now impeded by Orc #6, who is engaged with Dewydd.

"I guess you'll have to do, little Manling!" the Troll chuckles.

Troll #2 is now intending to target Dewydd next round. Troll #2 regenerates 5 pts. of damage.

Troll #1: Unconscious, regenerating [-17]

The Ogre, having regained his footing, decides not to risk reaching for Vale; instead, he concentrates on Kleborn, who already has a nasty leg wound.

Ogre To-Hit: +18; Prayer -1 = +17
Power Attack: 4 pts. = +13 Total. (+8 to Damage)
To-Hit Rolls: 18 (Miss) and 11 (Miss)

The Ogre is trying to muscle his way through this fight, but it's slowing him down, and for an expert shieldsman like Kleborn, that's the day's bread and butter. Kleborn easily wards off the Ogre's powerful, yet clumsy, attacks.

Current Positions:


DEWYDD: It's Your Turn! What do you do?
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Reading the troll's intent, I wink and grin before telling him, "Yeþil olana gelin, ölümle çatýþmamýza izin verin!" While staring him in the eyes, I dispatch two of his companions before beckoning him forward with the tip of my blade.

OOC: Missed first attack or I could have killed all 3 orcs adjacent to me. 2nd attack 27, 3rd attack 18. 32 and 26 points of damage.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Dewydd Cleans House!

Dewydd attacks with practiced precision, and unbridled fury. In his haste, he gets ahead of himself with the first attack, swinging too soon, a half-step too early.


Initiative Order For Round 5:

Dewydd: 24
Thallok: 22
Tam-Tam: 20
Lathir: 17
Kleborn: 17
Giant #1: 15
Orcs: 12
Sylvar: 11
Vale: 10
Trolls: 8
Ogre #1: 5

Attack #1: (Natural 1 on base die) Miss
Attack #2: 27 (Hit)
Attack #3: 18 (Hit)
Damage, Attack #2: 32 pts. (-10, Dead)
Damage, Attack #3: 26 pts. (-4, Dying)

Dewydd misses the mark on Orc #4, but being out of position for that strike leads to a fortunate opportunity against Orc #3; Dewydd stabs Orc #3 while the Orc is behind him, unable to see the blow coming to his mid-section. The stab is deep, and has the effect of disemboweling Orc #3. The Orc slumps to the ground, dead before he ever knew what hit him.

Dewydd ripostes, catching Orc #6 in a sweet spot as well; the Orc is trying to circle him, when Dewydd feints. Instinctively, the Orc ducks, putting him in the perfect spot for Dewydd's true target; Dewydd slices the side of the Orc's neck open with a single, quick, vicious cut. The surprised foe stumbles to the ground, clutching his neck, bleeding out.

Current Positions:


Thallok: It's Your Turn! What do you do?


Thallok looks to Kleborn and says "you humans, always fighting with your mouth. Less talking more fighting." He then turns his attention to the orc right in front of him and says to Kleborn, "Sit tight, let's see if I can heal you." He gives the orc a smile then readies his attack. He assumes a martial stance, and then tries a uses revitalizing attack, hoping there is some differences between his alignment and his former comrade's. He strikes him hoping this will heal Kleborn.

Attack 1=29
Attack 2=21

Damage from first hit 15, damage from second hit 14
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Thallok Heals Kleborn

Thallok eyes his former countryman with disdain, as he prepares to do him harm, in order to benefit his new comrades.

GM: It occurs to Thallok that perhaps he should have left The Pomarj long ago, because fighting alongside Dewydd and the others feels right; this new group of comrades feels more like family than his old Pomarj platoon ever did, and that's even considering that Pomarj soldiers take an oath of brotherhood and solidarity. Those oaths seem hollow now, in the light of how well his powers work on his former countrymen. These Orcs have tainted souls, otherwise, the strike would fail to heal. Yet, as he swings his blade, he feels the power course through him, preparing to release itself on contact.

Revitalizing Strike is a Standard Action, which means you can only do it once in a round.
You won't receive your second attack; Revitalizing Strike is akin to casting a spell.
Attack #1: 29 (-1) = 28, (+3) = 31, Hit.
Damage, Attack #1: 15 pts.
Orc #4: Badly wounded, still up [7]
Healing: 3d6+6 to Kleborn: 13 pts.
Kleborn is completely healed.



One component difference between attacker and opponent:
Orc #4 = Lawful Evil
Thallok = Lawful Neutral
Front components are the same, but ending components are different; this meets the criteria.

Thallok brings his massive Falchion crashing down on his opponent's shoulder, cutting through his chain shirt, and his tough hide, the weight of the blow breaking the Orc's clavicle. As the blade strikes Orc #4, a mystic, shimmering energy surrounds Kleborn, and a wave of healing washes over him. The gash in Kleborn's leg completely disappears.

~Perhaps there is something to this whole "Marek / Gruumsh" thing,~ Thallok muses. ~I need to find a priest as soon as possible.~

TAM-TAM: It's your turn! What do you do?


Tam-Tam returns his attention to Ogre #1, grabbing two arrows quickly and efficiently, his years with the halfling patrols coming into play:

"Yondalla, guide my darts.", he whispers as a hope and a prayer.

With the same bonuses as before, equaling +8, Tam-Tam fires once: 14+8=22
twice: 15+8=23

If both hit, then damage is: 1+3=4; 2+3=5, respectively.

GM: ROLEPLAY AWARD: DM AdHoc Background Feat: Precise Shot.
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