Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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Raner raises an eyebrow at the wizards overly dramatic speech and thinks to himself "That'd be the first time I ever heard o' a wizard givin something away for free. I wonder what 'e wants"

Taking a long swallow from his mug Raner sits back and waits for the other shoe to drop.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Craven raises an elegant eyebrow. Wizards, as a whole, were stingy with their magic, in his limited experience. The priests at the temple had said the same thing; they were occasionally willing to show off, but to give away their secrets was anethma to their nature.*

Then again, he seems to be "selling" it. Lylamwyn, it seems, must do some service for Master Zerosh, or feel indebted no doubt. I hope it isn't anything that would put him in over his head. Bother, I better go lurk just to make sure, Craven thinks, and slowly meanders his way a bit closer so he can eaves drop a bit.


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OOC: Lylamwyn was not present when Zerosh met Lylamwyn's father. Nor does he recollect his father ever mentioning Zerosh. But Lylamwyn knows that Zerosh and his father both lived in the same part of Celene, so they could have met, and if they didn't meet, they probably heard of each other. With the long lives of Gray elves, it is possible that Zerosh and Lylamwyn's father were friends in the past.

IC: Zerosh responds to Lylamwyn in the language of the elves "Master Lylamwyn, the task is of a delicate nature, requiring someone with subtlety and tack, and the judgment to recognize evil even when it is cloaked in a fair smile.

"Long ago, the Old Trading Post was the first building constructed where Hommlet now stands. It is rumored that the first owner of the Trading Post sold goods to Orcs as readily as to Elves. Ten years ago, the owner of the Trading Post was revealed to be a thief and a cultist of a God of evil. The new owner, a halfling, is rumored to be another cultist.

"If you are up for this kind of work, you might investigate Joman Dart, the owner of the Old Trading Post."

Having delivered his idea, Zerosh realizes he has urgernt business elsewhere and leaves the Inn.

In the corner of the room, the gnome Nierethi Poscurian starts shouting at his dinner companion. "All the stories said the Commander of the Moathouse was destined for greatness and immense riches. My treasure is buried out there, waiting for me."

The merchant Chat replies "All you'll find at the Moathouse is eternal undeath. I spent most of last week searching through the moathouse and running from the undead. There isn't any treasure buried there, just bones and carrion eaters.

"If there still is buried treasure, it must be at the Temple itself, in one of the sealed vaults. Only magic could breach those vaults, though."
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Kerwyn listens intently, nodding in approval every now and then, as Zerosh speaks to Lylamwyn in the elven tongue. When the scroll scriber leaves, however, he looks at the other elf.
"What did he tell you, the recipe to a cake?"


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The half-elven singer Redithidoor Halfmoon wanders up to the table, "If you are going on an adventure, can I come along too? I would be honored to set your virtuous deeds to verse, record your vanquishing of countless enemies, and your heroic rescues of fair maidens."


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Raner looks from Redithidoor to the others at the table.

"What d'ye think, should we have ourselves an adventure?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Fear coils its familiar freezing cold coils around Craven's gut as the others talk about evil in the moathouse, and going to have an adventure to rid the town of such evil. He should go, it was right for him to go, the very duty of a paladin. The temple, if it caught wind of it, would probably insist that he go. Trembling inside, but his face his habitual mask, Craven walks over to join the conversation.*

"I rather say, if you're going to rid the moathouse of such abominations, then you should certainly have me at your side! Such honor in defeating such vile foes, and ensuring Hommlet is safe, I wouldn't miss it for the world," Craven says cheerfully, as inwardly his gut roils and writhes.

You damned coward, damned fool. Mercy, you still have to tell the temple...


"I dunno about vanquishing foes or stuff like that, but I wouldn't mind a few fair maidens. Not that we don't have our own," Kerwyn quickly adds with a nod in Kenya's direction.


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The drunken warrior Xaod speaks up, "<burp> to arms!" Xaod attempts to stand up from his chair, but falls and lands on the ground, appearently unconscious.


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“I think that one had enough ale for tonight. Would someone be so kind and take care to see him safely returned to his bed? That would be most appreciated.”

Filching his purse, Lenya 'pays' for Xaod's bill and puts the rest of the coins back in and the purse back into place.

“That should cover the drinks.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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