Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

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"I think that it'll be hard enough to slip away without the Dragon noticing us, even without giving it hints. We should have already dealt with most of the cultists. Let's not waste any time, and deal with the rest of them now. That way we don't have to make an extra trip."


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“How practical. But I agree, not because I mind going back and forth, but rather, because I believe, that we still have an advantage over them, which will be gone, if we leave now. And I'm still a bit worried with what Chat turned out to be... Did he know about them? Was the food meant for them?”


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"Well, if you think about it now, it might have been wise not to dump his body down the chute. We could have dragged it to Hommlet, where we could have asked someone at the church to ask some question from his cold, dead body. Now we have to make do with the stinky. If stinky knows Chat, I'll find out."

"This whole affair also puts the Rumour Zerosh mentioned in a new light. There are cultists of Evil here, and if Chat was working with them, I certainly wouldn't rule out the possibility of more of them being in the Hommlet."
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Toriah nods. "We shoul' try t' clear this place out before we go back. If we have an advantage, 't woul' definitely be gone if we wen' back t' Hommlet firs'. Plus, if there are more in town, tha'd give 'em nowhere t' run--here at leas'."


Kerwyn first listens to how the others reason whether they should take a recuperation trip to Hommlet or not, but halfway he loses interest.
"Just tell me which way to scout once you're done talking, 'kay?"


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Raner, -14hp (of 40)

Xael said:
"I think that it'll be hard enough to slip away without the Dragon noticing us, even without giving it hints. We should have already dealt with most of the cultists. Let's not waste any time, and deal with the rest of them now. That way we don't have to make an extra trip."

Raner nods his head, agreeing with the decision to deal with the cultists before heading back to town, "Right, so what do we do with the smelly lizard in the mean time? We obviously can't bring him with us, and we obviously can't let him go either."


First Post
"The lizard should stay tied up in a corner while we clear this place. And Kerwyn, with all respect, I really don't think you should go scouting anymore. There's no point in splitting the group. Let's get going."

OOC: I expect that we had enough stuff around to sufficiently tie up the lizard with.

Voidrunner's Codex

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