Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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"Sounds good.", Lylamwyn comments to Lenya's idea. "Does anybody have a rope? We need to tie up the stinking one."

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(Kerwyn is healed for 4 and Craven is healed for 5)

Kerwyn (-11, conscious)
Craven (-19) carrying Cure Moderate potion
Belaver (-7)
Toriah (-4)
Raner (-17) carrying cure Moderate Potion

Reptile Cultist (-34, stable, unconscious)

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Thanee said:
“Ok, how about giving Craven the light potion and using the scroll on Kerwyn and keeping the two better ones for Craven and Raner, if they really need them in a tight situation? As far as I can see, you two are the ones who need them the most.”

"I'd still feel most comfortable saving the potion, though I agree that the scroll will be of little use in a fight. So long as we hold our ground, I think we should be able to rest without further interruptions. Those who were bold enough to come after us already have."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Paxus Asclepius said:
"I'd still feel most comfortable saving the potion, though I agree that the scroll will be of little use in a fight. So long as we hold our ground, I think we should be able to rest without further interruptions. Those who were bold enough to come after us already have."
"I don't mean to be a pessimist, but let us not tempt fate or the gods by speaking too soon. Raner and I are still badly wounded, and we should be the ones to stand on the front lines. So, let us be cautious, not overconfidence, eh?" Craven says, his tone purposefully kept light to keep the sting out of the words.

Paxus Asclepius

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"There are many kinds of caution. I would suggest that you not use the potions, but keep them on hand; that way, if they attack, you can down them in a moment, but if they do not, we have not wasted the potions that will keep you and Raner alive in the next desperate fight."


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"Not to mention you could buy a room for a year from the Inn with the value of those potions. I understand your point, but Belaver should be able to cure you soon.", Lylamwyn comments.


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"Aye, an' that's why we hav'n drunk these ones yet;" Raner says, pointing to the two CMW potions, "But those," as he points to the (expended?) CLW potion & scroll, "would be of less use during a fight should we seen another before morning. Gettin rich is all well an good, but gold is useless if we do nae get back to town to spend it."


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"True, true, I don't actually think that we had any intention of selling them anyway. I don't really care one way or another.", Lylamwyn says.

"So, what's the follow-up plan? Tie the stinky up and leave him here until we finish clearing the rest of the moathouse? Do we go to secure and check the secret exit first or find the rest of the cultists? And does anybody bother do take those Cloak and Brooch? They're probably both protective items."
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"Do you really want to waste healing at it to get him conscius? Besides, we need to inform Lord Burne and others in Hommlet about this, and I think they might want to ask it some questions we might have missed.", Lylamwyn says.

Voidrunner's Codex

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